10 Best WordPress Forum Plugins

Wordpress is the most powerful blog system. But while the blog grows up, we might want to introduce a new system for user interaction. The ideal choice is to have both wordpress and discussion board together. Thereby we concluded the following 10 best wordpress plugins to setup a powerful forum.



The best light weight forum solution by wordpress official people. It's also used by wordpress official support forum. Bbpress was firstly a stand alone forum software and then integrated to wordpress as plugin with complete redevelopment.

  • Open Source, always and forever
  • Less (code) is more Code is poetry
  • Simplicity is a feature
  • Speed & security are paramount to a great user experience

Bbpress official site: https://bbpress.org
Download at wordpress plugin directory



The most popular downloads from wordpress plugin directory. Unlike any other solution, buddypress can also install its own theme/plugin to fully customize the forum(more than 330 plugins available). Same like bbpress, buddypress is also managed and supported by wordpress official people. Moreover, buddypress has been translated to multiple languages for local users so we can integrate easily.

Buddypress official site: https://buddypress.org
Buddypress download page



A complete forum system as its advertised. Other than a simple wordpress plugin, forumpress is full functinoal as traditional forum softwares. We can configure User Groups & Moderators, Move, Edit & Delete topics & posts the same way like dedicated forum. The most important is it's easy to get started, either admin or visitor interface is pretty clean.

Forumpress official download http://forumpress.org

Vanilla Forums

Vanilla forum

Vanilla can be integrated with wordpress in few seconds, and is the ONLY forum solution to provide a native mobile version for easy browsing and posting from any mobile device. Vanilla is supported by over 10,000 developers with over 500 addons that can make your community do anything you need it to do. Users can also migrate from vBulletin, phpBB, bbPress, and more.

Vanilla forums project site: http://vanillaforums.org
Vanilla forums plugin download

Talki Embeddable Forums

Talki forums

Simple and clean forum solution for wordpress. The forums work with WordPress along with global login systems such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, and a dozen others. It's the only one with social network integration. Following advanced features are included:

  • Customizable with CSS
  • BBCode
  • Easy-to-use Admin Panel
  • Private and Public forums
  • Automatic Security Patches and upgrades
  • Create as many sub-forums as needed
  • Drag and drop ordering of sub-forums

Talki project site: http://talkiforum.com/feature-tour
Talki download page

WP Symposium

WP Symposium

More than a simple forum purpose, wp symposium turns a WordPress website into a Social Network! It provides a forum, activity, member directory, private mail, notification panel, chat windows, profile page, social widgets, activity alerts and more.. advanced features for commercial could be purchased seperately.

Project site: http://www.wpsymposium.com/
WP Symposium downloading

Simple: Press

Simple press

Probably the deepest modification of Vbulletin. Simplepress has the same layouts, functions. Other than dedicated for wordpress only, simplepress could be integrated with lots of projects like buddypress. Users can also customize the forum by themes/plugins and backend CSS.

Simple press download site: http://simple-press.com

CM Answers

CM Answers

CM Answers is a plugin for WordPress that enables users to post questions and answers (Q&A) in a Stackoverflow style.Plugin also includes social media registration using Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+, Twitter & Microsoft Live authentication

Plugin official site: http://answers.cminds.com
Download at wordpress plugin directory



Best question and answer plugin for WordPress. Made with developers in mind, highly customizable. Similar like CM Answers with stackoverflow.com or quora.com style. AnsPress is a most complete question and answer system for WordPress

Demo & support forum: http://wp3.in/questions
Download Anspress at wordpress plugin

Zingiri Forum

Zingiri Forum

Seamless integration of mybb to wordpress. It has all available functions of mybb software even the layouts. However, since the plugin author does not provide any support any more, we have to deal with problems by our own if there's any. But this does not affect its popularity because of it's powerful system.

Zingiri forum download https://wordpress.org/plugins/zingiri-forum/

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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