8 Must Have Tools in Using Web Hosting Service

8 must have tools in using web hosting service

web hosting is a handy service today because of it's popularity and affordability. However, it's not so easy to use all service properly without professional training. Here we list out the must have tools in using a hosting service correcty. When you're waiting for account activation, you should have them configured on computer to support your future works.

IIS remote manager

A must tool for windows hosting users. IIS remote manager provides users the ability to securely manage remote IIS servers on local computer. The small program has almost the same functionality of IIS where you can configure web app settings directly on its powerful GUI. Thus, if you're quite familiar with server operation but not used to your hosting control panel software, IIS remote manager is great tool in supporting your preference. Learn more and download remote manager on this microsoft page.


webmatrixAnother great tool from microsoft group. WebMatrix is a free, lightweight, cloud-connected web development tool that help with people create, maintain and edit website conveniently. It's especially optimized for open source and mobile compatibility. Via webmatrix, we can install most open sourced softwares like DotNetNuke, WordPress, Joomla and Drupal via few clicks away. The lightweight program has built in IIS server for script testing and we are able to configure all server service to work with. No matter you want to work with .net or php technologies, WebMatrix can always support you perfectly.

Learn more and install it online from this official site.


sql server management studio SQL Server Management Studio is a must for microsoft developers. It's configured automatically if we have installed sql server service, but it can be setup independantly as well. Via SSMS, we can connect to either local or online sql server database and apply any change under DBO privilege. All daily maintenance, optimization and backup etc can be all handled by this easy-to-use graphical management tool.

Get the latest SSMS from this microsoft download center.

MySQL Workbench

mysql workbenchA powerful mysql management tool with GUI design. It's previously well known as "mysql gui" and workbench is revolutional release by mysql team. The visual tool is perfectly designed for database architects, developers, and DBAs. MySQL Workbench provides data modeling, SQL development, and comprehensive administration tools for server configuration, user administration, backup, and much more. It can be installed on all leading operation systems such as windows, linux and mac os. Check details and download on mysql site.

Here you might talk about the default mysql tool "phpmyadmin" which is provided by every hosting service. It's nice but not so great comparing to workbench. Especially when you're server admin when you would like to manage multiple mysql servers with advanced monitoring, mysql workbench is simply the best.

SSH Secure shell Client

ssh secure shell clientProbably the best SSH tool for secure and friendly operation. It's not just a simple command line SSH program but a powerful file transfer tool. We can connect to sever space via port 22 for file uploading/downloading and the whole process is encrypted. Comparing to traditional FTP connection, this shell client is much more safe. Certainly, you can use it purely as a command line tool like putty. Learn step by step guidance and downloading from Sils site.


ftpA must tool for every hosting user. FTP is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one computer to another. Typically, we use to download/upload files between computer to hosting server space. The protocol is included by lots of development tools like micromedia dreamveaver and visual studio. We can also get dedicated tools from lots of vendors like cuteftp and filezilla. We highly recommend to use filezilla which is an open source project and provided for free. Learn more about filezilla and download from project site.


notepad++The best alternative tool of the default notepad from windows computer. Notepad++ is an open source sofotware for source code editor with support of multiple programming languages. Line indicator, codes grouping and highlighting are all supported by notepad++. The best of the best is notepad++ is provided for very small size and little system resource usage. In case you need to edit website source frequently and efficiently, notepad++ is simply the best. Check more from official site and download.


keepassUnlike all above tools, keepass is used for password securing and play as password manager. It helps to remember your endless passwords in secure database. Everything is locked by a single key file with password protection. In this way we only need to remember this key file password to view all other passwords in database. We don't have to worry about long and complex password anymore using keepass. As we learnt from internet, there're lots of security leaks recently because of bad password. A secure and reliable password manager is crucial to ensure the safety of our online properties.

Get keepass on keepass.info

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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