Best DNS Hosting Reviews

dns hosting

In web hosting business, there's a popular service type called DNS Hosting which is focusing on DNS solutions. Why use this service and does it cost any? If you're new to this type of service, let's introduce more from below and check out who's actually doing good in the business.

What's DNS?

DNS is short for Domain Name System, it's a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. The system is supported by DNS name server — a server that stores the DNS records for a domain name, such as address (A) records, name server (NS) records, and mail exchanger (MX) records and many types DNS records; a DNS name server responds with answers to queries against its database.

How does DNS work?

DNS is serving all internet services. When we request for some specific online services like website, the DNS will translate the website domain name to digital IPs and find the target web server. The process is about the communication among user computer, DNS and web server. To learn about the full steps, here's a good explanation on

Why DNS hosting service?

When comes to DNS hosting, means the service is dedicated to DNS management where we have more control over the DNS server. Unlike the regular web hosting service, dns specialty hosting services tend to be more robust and feature rich. We can configure how to deal with the incoming and outbounding DNS requests and optimize with the specific service. Also, with a DNS hosting plan, it's always configured more reliable and secure. It's idealy choice to deal with dDOS attack on DNS server.

How to get DNS hosting? We can either use an existing service provider or configure DNS server by ourselves on dedicated server hosting. But absolutely the third party service plans come with more advantages like the Amazon and Editzone DNS hosting plans. With those service the system will smartly determine how to handle the requests efficiently.

How do we think?

Basically, if we just want to make website or email working properly, we don't have to spend extra money for the professional DNS service. The DNS management from domain registrar or web hosting provider are good enough. Take our website for instance, we manage the dns completely from hosting control panel because we just need basic website support. The external DNS Hosting is prepared for those who need more control over the system while it's not available from domain registrar or hosting provider.

DNS Hosting FAQs

What's dns web hosting?

DNS web hosting means a hosting with dns support where you can configure dns records for your domain name.

What kind of access do I get for dns hosting service?

It depends. If you configure DNS server by yourself on VPS or dedicated server, you have full access to everything, if you're with shared hosting service, you just get a web hosting control panel to add/remove dns records.

Do I need to manage dns server by myself?

No you don't have to, the dns server is managed /maintained by hosting provider and you just use the actual service directly.

Can I configure my own dns server for shared hosting?

You can do it via some providers like Arvixe ( but most of shared hosting does not support custom name server for any reason. A custom name server will let you create your own name servers using your personal domain.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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