Bye to 2012 & Welcome to 2013

web hosting 2012 summary and plans for 2013

Only two days to welcome 2013 so far! Since we're all alive and passed 2012 safely, it's necessary to make a summary of the last year and make a better plan for coming year. This would be the last article posting in 2012 so it's time to give it a perfect end! The most important thing I would like to say is I wish all your people and your families a prosperous new year!

In this year, there're several big events that affected many web site owners. The google updates let many of us have to rebuild website ranks and The hosting acquisition let us have to rethink of the service quality. In a word, the 2012 is full of strugglings for online business.

Google updated several times in 2012 and each update will result in a fresh list for SERP. The google more and more telling us not to over-optimize our website or simply don't pay too much attention to it, what google really wants is a user friendly site that gives visitors they want directly. A website with good navigation and quality content is what we need to work on.

In web hosting, there're really too many things to learn about. Before we only knows endurance group for eating up the hosting brands, until it's sold by KKR we know it's just a piece of cake in web hosting (no matter what a big name it is!). Because of this, we have to re-think about our workk style and change the hosting review ways. We might have focused on specific brands too closely but forgot the company overall business structure, this is what we need to improve in coming review articles. In 2012, many hosting brands are actively merged into EIG. Fortunately, the problems are very few comparing to the early years. They don't force to migrate all people to their own platforms but keep everything the same so people won't feel any difference to the service.

Back to WHP itself, there's very limited SEO stuff as I can tell. The rank is not so good though but we're still working hard to offer what's needed from our visitors and provide our actual experience over hosting providers. In order to give out a quality review, we signed up directly with various hosting companies and do test independently. During the procedure, most providers are frindly and co-operate with our requests. There're also several providers trying to persuade us to post good reviews of their service by offering nice commissions, however we didn't respond because they're really bad with too many users' experience.

Anyhow, our WHP will continue to work as it is and grow up with your efforts. We thank you for visiting and communicating with us. We would like to send out the last wish for 2012. See you from 2013!

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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