Ixwebhosting China

Ixwebhosting China

If you're from China but would like to use US hosting service, you always need to think about the language barrier especially when you need professional support. If English communication is a problem, a Chinese based support would be the best choice for you. Today we're going to discuss about a popular name in web hosting industry "Ixwebhosting" and illustrate if they're good with Chinese support.

Ixwebhosting Chinese support overview

Just some time ago when I check some updates for several of my hosting providers I noticed the Chinese support via Ixwebhosting group. When I digg more there, I found they even prepared the Chinese version hosting site "cn.ixwebhosting.com"! It surprised me a lot as it's already there for over 1 year.

I tried to speak with their Chinese chat support and found they're actual Chinese people, but they refused to answer me where they're located which is very bad impression. However, with my own research I found they're from the same support center in US and they just provide Chinese support in business time in that area. If 24×7 support is essential for your business, you have to deal with English.

What's really improved for Chinese customer? Definitely the payment solution. Alipay, the most popular payment method in China, is added on IX Chinese version website. Since it's not so easy to get a credit card in China, alipay is the most standard payment choice for online business. Chinese people will have zero problem in understanding their services by navigating through their Chinese version site. Since US hosting service is primary consideration for most people, IX group is obviously smart enough to get expansion in that district.

Why Chinese support is important to US hosting company?

As we know, China is the largest potential market for hosting business. However, the China hosting environment is not so impressed as we learnt. Every hosted website in Chinese datacenter needs to be licensed and the process is always not so smooth, many people have considered to host their websites oversea. Most US hosting brands are serving some amount Chinese clients at the moment.

Based above situation, if some US hosting groups could catch the chance and prepare a decent support to Chinese clients, they will earn big business in that country. My best experience with such action was from Webhost4life before they got merged to Endurance group. They even setup a China branch with local employed staff there. I guess if their people still exist there, I'm sure it will be the most popular US hosting brand in China.

Except Ixwbehosting, another service provider called hostease also launched Chinese version site and support on "cn.hostease.com". As I remember, the godaddy also got a CN version before but not sure why it's disappeared. Anyhow, if you feel your business is at a bottleneck in local market, China is a good place to digg. With their huge population and improved internet quality, there will be dreamland for sure.

Do we recommend above host(s) to Chinese visitors? First, you still need to understand what you need exactly as always talked about. A Chinese version site might save your effort in understanding the service, however that's not all with your primary needs. I'm sure what you really needed is a decent service other than a readable site. I'm also Chinese fans and be able to speak a bit. If you're from Chinese, I will be more than happy to answer such questions.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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