10 mistakes in choosing hosting service

Web hosting is handy service today and widely offered by lots of providers. However, almost each company is unique on every side. Because of this, users have to learn a bit for needed service plan. We have concluded top 10 mistakes in choosing the right hosting in this article so our readers can avoid in case there's such need.

Mistake 1: Take free domain as serious offer

Lots of hosting companies provide free domain service if we choose to host with their service. It does help reduce our first investment, however it's not good for ownership management. Many hosting companies are domain resellers but not the actual provider. Hence there'll be some delay in using the website, especialy when they programmed the system by themselves. Sometimes they have to register our prefered domain manually after we submitted personal details.

As we see, it's absolutely not good in order to have everything managed by ourselves. That's why we always suggest to have domain and hosting separated from different providers. We have bad experience in getting the domain after hosting expiration because the hosting company refuse to provide support in transferring out.

So the correct way is to ignore such offer if you're going to configure your business site on it. You need to have everything under control to avoid any potential problem.

Mistake 2: Looking for unlimited support feature

We know unlimited stuff doesn't exist but we always like such advertisement. Seriously, there's clear restriction for every hosting account on server end because the hardware resource is limited. Those serious business hosting providers will tell you the exact limits on website, even if they advertised something unlimited there will be good explanation for how much you can take.

The right start is to evaluate your website usage carefully then choose the right deal.

Mistake 3: Looking for super low cost service

Nobody wants to spend too much in the begining for various reasons. However everything comes with reasonable price. If something is provided for inormal price rate then either quality is bad or you're going to deal with lots of problems. Same as hosting, it's big investment for service providers thus they must be profitable in offering hosting plans. Just take a look at some leading providers like Inmotion, their price is always at healthy rate no matter how hard the competetion is.

Basically, we need to know the general business logic and evaluate between price and service. You get what you pay, it's always golden rule in any industry.

Mistake 4: Do not check existing user comments

Lots of hosting companies are doing well in website design and advertisement. People can be easily guided to their service. We might can't wait more to claim their best offer. But learning about how existing user say is always valuable to determine if we can get good support. No matter how good it's being advertised, we should always evaluate their service in multi sides because we're paying.

Mistake 5: Do not contact pre-sales support

Not sure why some people refuse to contact pre-sales support before sending out payment. Everybody should have some questions in mind and service providers have provided different communication tunnels. Just a single click to get online support. Just tell your question/doubt and see how support replies. This does not only help us clear out doubts in mind but also help us understand how their support work. So make sure check with pre-sales support for any hosting service as it will tell us directly if it's worth to go.

Mistake 6: Do not read the company AUP and TOS

This might be ignored by most users. Most of the time we won't get problems if we have been doing things good, however it doesn't mean everything is safe. Based our experience, lots of providers hide their limitations in AUP & TOS terms such as CPU and disk usage limits. So it's safe to read those terms before get involved. Many user accounts get suspended because of over using system resources.

Mistake 7: Do not sign up yearly deal

Want to save money? Then why should you sign up monthly instead yearly? As we know, the monthly cost is pretty high comparing to yearly pre-pay. All hosts provide at least 30 day money back guarantee, means if we don't like the service, we can close account to get full refund. So whenever we want to save money for hosting service, try to sign up yearly deal, especially for those super promotional coupon codes, they can only be applied for one or more years registration.

Mistake 8: Sign up incorrect hosting plan

We served lots of people inquiring for account migration because they have registered the wrong plan. For example, we have 3 class hosting plans with different support features. However, some clients just focus on price and ignored the technical features. After they understand the difference they request us to move accounts from one server to another. So make sure to read plan details carefully then choose the correct plan.

Mistake 9: Do not apply any coupon code

Coupon code is provided by almost all hosting companies. Some times the discount rate is up to 50% so its great opportunity to save. Especially when we order a business class hosting, promo code is crucial to reduce our first investment. Those codes are easily to search out like this website, make sure to get it and apply during check out. Some hosting providers offer promotional link instead coupon so please do your research.

Mistake 10: Enter incorrect contact email address

Probably the most frequent problem with our experience. Clients contact support to complain not receiving account confirmation emails. However the system did send and we even tried manually send but they still can't receive. Finally we verified they entered wrong contact email address for sign up. As we see how important it is to be careful in entering profile details.

Above is the list of common mistakes in signing up hosting service based our years serving experience. Make sure to read it and avoid those mistakes in choosing your prefered hosting plan.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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