Best Hong Kong Web Hosting

hongkong hosting

Being one of the top economy centers, Hong Kong is well known for its prosperous business market. Web hosting is the hottest because of the leading geographic location. This article provides detailed guidance what makes up the best hong kong web hosting service and how to choose the best hosting plan.

Brief introduction of Hong kong hosting service

Hong Kong, the hot pot of asia economy, it's also the transition center of asia internet for multple countries. No business barrier, no language barrier on this pearl land. Because of this, lots of global hosting leaders put their asia hosting and support centers in Hong Kong. Till today, almost all mainland China hosting providers have Hong Kong servers to support their oversea business.

What Makes Up a Good Hong Kong Hosting?

Leading data center choice

Must be served by reputable IDC service. There're lots of providers and many of them are doing good for the leading geographic location. Those reputable names such as HKNET, NNT, HKCOLO, HKCIX and PCNT are highly recommended for primary consideration because they have long history experience in supporting IT industry. Actually, these IDC providers are sharing over half business market in HK.

Leading server configuration

Dell is still the main choice by most providers in HK, but they have wide selections on multiple leading providers including IBM, ASUS and LENOVO etc. Make sure to contact pre-sales for server information if you prefer to some specific server production. A little different from other areas, windows server is popularly supported for huge needs. In general, Hong Kong servers are setup by following top standards like US service.

Scalable payment solutions

Hong Kong is a crossing point of multiple currencies including Hong Kong dollar, RMB & USD etc. A good hosting provider should support all leading payment solutions in this area and have prepared multiple different gateways to deal with different clients. Alipay, Paypal and Credit card should be standard support. Lots of providers also support check and direct bank transfer.

24*7 support is a must

Not every hosting company provides 24*7 support based their business size and company policy. However, it's crucial to ensure our global business is always online. So before applying any service plan, make sure their support service is always available. Those popular supports like chat, phone, ticket and email channels must be running all the time.

Reliable policies

This does not only refer to good company plicies but also the local legal provisions and the general society trust level. Being one of the most developed area, Hong Kong has complete law system and trustable business environment. There's no difference comparing to any other top business center.

Best Hong Kong Web Hosting Provider

Actually, lots of hosting providers offer Hong Kong web hosting plans(either outside or inside this area). Especially for lots of China hosting providers, they have wide co-operation with Hong Kong data center service for the good business environment. If you need a high performance Hong Kong hosting plan, we highly suggest check out following two:

Webweb. 100% setup via Hong Kong data center service with support office in both Hong Kong and mainland China. Their name is generated from the old webhost4life which was a very popular and successful brand. Their old team is still working hard on under new brand. Currently they have both servers in Hong Kong and the old USA data center in Los Angeles. The only weakness is their English site is not published yet if you can not read Chinese.

Zhuji91. Also a new brand but with robust growth. They're highly rated by lots of users and communities. Their people contacted us several times for evaluation. Just search for zhuji91 review or Hong Kong hosting plan, they're rated very well on lots of sites. They provide competitive price plans and hosting features. Both Chinese and English plans are provided with easy navigation.

Of course, there're multiple or simply lots of good providers for Hong Kong hosting plans, just don't be limited by above choice, you should always evaluate the best and do your personal research. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need assistance!

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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