Justhost vs iPage

justhost vs ipage

Just Host and Ipage Overview

Jushost and Ipage are probably two of the most recommended webhosts by many web masters. Not every web hosting providers be able to offer such great services and promotional discounts. Both justhost and ipage are right choice if you're looking for affordable and stable hosting plan for personal and small business websites. Here I'd like to compare the two webhosts and find out why they're rated so high.

What's good of justhost hosting?

Justhost(http://www.justhost.com) is is definitely the industry standard among thousands of competitors. Just Host is powered by the best user friendly hosting control panel – cpanel with all available offers. There's no need to learn some new stuff in order to use their service. that's really nice for people who want to change webhosts, it will simply save your valuable time to put your website live again.

Secondly, just host offers most their services as unlimited. Unlimited space and bandwidth has been offered from their service begining. You get free domain name for life and unlimited domain hosting. dedicated IP also available with only $2/mon. In a word, you can get all leading web hosting features that's available from other hosting providers.

Third point would be their hosting price, $3.25/mon and justhost 50% coupon available! What else company could offer such great price with so many nice hosting features?

What's Good of Ipage Hosting?

Generally speaking, Ipage(http://www.ipage.com) is the same story like justhost beside it's using Vdeck hosting control panel. Vdeck is also quite popular and functional similiar to cpanel, the best of the best with Vdeck is you can manage both website stuff and billing under the same place so you don't have to remember another login from a different place. By serving over 1000,000 websites all over the world, ipage is definitely capable of offering reliable hosting services.

For the moment promotion, iPage even offers $1.99/mo special price if you think whatever price is out of your budget. Absolutely the best price in web hosting market.

ipage hosting features

Justhost vs Ipage – Hosting Features

Both justhost and ipage are providing rich feature hosting plans. Till present, there're shared, VPS and dedicated server hosting plans by justhost group. As for ipage, there's only a single shared web hosting with unlimited features.

Justhost is featured for it's "standard", either from hosting settings or the website structure. you won't get any problem to navigate in order to get what you're looking for. Some time ago, they launched VPS and dedicated server plans to help with your website growth. Their server and datacenter specs are just exactly the same as bluehost server plans. Just host provides standard cpanel hosting service with all available features like SSH access, Webdav disk service etc. Justhost also provides unlimited websites hosting and unlimited databases, emails and ftp accounts. The only limitation for justhost is their 10% CPU usage and 50000 inodes for shared hosting plans.

While justhost is the industry standard, ipage looks more smart in the business. Except for it's Vdeck control panel, they almost have no limitation on their products such as server space, bandwidth and cpu usage etc. If you need some extra offer, it always can be negociated. The only disadvantage with Ipage we found is there's no static IP service, thus if some website is causing problems on the same IP, your website will be affected as well. They can move your website to another server for such case but a dedicated IP would solve the problem more efficiently.

While Justhost provides multiple hosting solutions now, ipage only got a single shared hosting plan at the moment. If your website outgrowed the server, you have no choice but to switch webhosts.

ipage advanced upgrade

Justhost vs iPage – Datacenter Specifications

The justhost servers are completely powered by bluehost tier 4 datacenters from Utah, USA. With several years live experience by clients, the datacenters are recognized one of the most stable datacenters from hosting industry. Their datacenter is also power several other popular brands including hostgator.

The ipage datacenter is located in Massachusetts on east coast. It's also the biggest datacenter managed by endurance group, their datacenter is powering over 50 web hosting brands and over 10 millions websites. Configured and monitored by their leading technologies, there's no serious issue reported yet in the past 10 years.

From the industry reviews, The iapge datacenter is mainly powering Vdeck hosting plans and the Justhost datacenter is purposely for cPanel. Once hostgator completely migrated there, it will be one of the busiest datacenters in the world.

Justhost vs iPage – Customer support

Justhost provides support in multiple channels including live chat, ticket and email systems. Their team also designed a very smart online tutorial base where you can get answers for most common issues or on how to use their service. From ipage, they also provide similar features but seems their support is less responsive than justhost. We tried to contact their support from ticket and live chat support, there's always long time waiting for answers. Especially for some complex issues, their ticket system will have people wait several hours to days.

More about Justhost and Ipage

Both justhost and ipage are managed EIG group, they're just using different management system under different service plans. Their real difference is about datacenter and hosting control panels. There's no signal they'll be merged together in any ways because they both are powering a large number of clients with their own advantages. However, if you just want to save money for multiple websites development, ipage is your choice today. They're offering $1.99/mo special price for new clients. You won't get better deal from any other hosting company. But if you need further upgrades for shared hosting, justhost will be better choice since they provide VPS and dedicated servers for very affordable prices.

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About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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