Best LAMP Web Hosting Revealed

best lamp web hosting

LAMP Hosting Overview

In short, LAMP abbreviation of Linux + Apache + Mysql + PHP. It is recognized as the golden partner in the industry and loved by most web developers. Have you ever heard of LAMP hosting means the hosting server is setup by the four packages. LAMP is the most popular hosting environment in today's web hosting service and powering over 70% web applications.

In this article. we will review lamp hosting side by side with step by step guidance on how to choose the best hosting provider, you will be able to determine the quality lamp hosting service easily after reading this article.

Best LAMP Web Hosting

There's no best in this service because every service providers are trying to offer better and better service in order to get customers. Here we'll briefly introduce some high quality providers according to editorial experience and clients feedbacks.

WebhostingHub: The best choice for secure and affordable lamp web hosting, Especially when we talk about fast lamp hosting, webhostinghub is always on top. The company has data centers from both east and west coasts with max speed zone configuration. Everything with whub hosting is industry standard such as hosting control panel, disk space and bandwidth offer. What's more? if you like to deal with this company today you can claim $1.95/mo special price as suggested on WebhostingHub promo page!

Visit for fast LAMP hosting plan!

Arvixe: Arvixe is top recommended LAMP hosting provider and we're actually hosted with this company for its great service. Arvixe provides multi class hosting solutions to meet with your side by side hosting requirements. In order to provider high quality service to each clients, arvixe setup all their lamp hosting servers via enterprise grade hardware and max available hardware resources. Please note, you can save 30% discount using our arvixe coupon!

Visit for arvixe LAMP hosting now!

LAMP Hosting Advantages?

Since the LAMP enviornment is so popular, what's actually good of it? Generally we can learn from the following points.

  • High performance — PHP is probably the most famous script language in web development, and the best webserver for php is Apache which is confirmed by thousands of live applications. If you ask what's the best environment to get apache web server running, Linux is absolutely the right answer. Linux is the most stable system with huge support resource. It's fully customizable according to your actual use. There're multiple optimization solutions for linux platform such as betterlinux.
  • Low cost — If you don't want to pay too much in order to launch your enterprise website but seek for high performance and reliability, LAMP is definitely the right option. Linux system is free for itself and easy to get by every people in the world, apache, php and mysql are all opensource projects. So in a word, you can get this environment completely free except for the hardware preparation.
  • Across system compatibility — Hosting on Linux is compatible with all other systems, that means you don't have to use a linux machine in order to check websites hosted on linux server. It's benefit to people who used to windows, mac etc.
  • Powerful hosting control panel — The LAMP hosting providers always offer the industry leading hosting control panel "cpanel". You can configure your applications in few minutes with the highest security level.

Linux is open-sourced operating system upon which the applications run. Linux is considered to be a highly reliable, robust and secure operating system for use with web hosting services. Leading linux platforms including CentOS, Cloudlinux, Debian etc.

Apache is the most widely use Web Server application on the internet today. Apache shares over half web server market and  over 60% web sites were served using Apache. There're also many other excellent free open source web servers like litespeed, nginx etc. ALL available for FREE!

MySQL is a widely used database management system that has more than ten million installations worldwide. Mysql works for every server system. Combined with PHP, it will be able to power any size website efficiently under linux system. php mysql is the primary scripting choice today.

How to Coose the Best LAMP Hosting?

LAMP hosting is nice but not all lamp hosting providers are nice too. In order to get a quality lamp hosting service you always have to search and research of the potential providers. According to our year's hosting experience, a quality LAMP hosting service must have the following minimum offered

  1. Hosting server — As we discussed above, cpanel is the best hosting control panel option for LAMP hosting, the best Linux system to get cpanel running is Centos or Redhat, since you need to pay in order to get redhat, centos is the best choice for lamp hosting. So when you evaluate a linux hosting service, make sure they are offering this.
  2. Uptime guarantee — The best LAMP hosting must be optimized to support multiple websites perfectly and ensure at least 99% uptime.
  3. Customer support — Customer support counts a half of the service overal ratings. Bad customer support always give bad impression even for a good LAMP hosting structure.
  4. Money back guarantee — At least 30 days money back guarantee is required in case you're not satisfied by the service.

Because most hosting providers are lamp based for low cost service. We have to evaluate step by step and make sure do not go wrong. If any question, feel free to contact us and we'll provide you professional suggestions!

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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