Greengeeks Review, best green hosting provider!

greengeeks review

Greengeeks Overview

The company was founded in 2006 by Trey Gardner with more than 150,000 websites hosted from its white paper. Greengeeks has the most devoted and the friendliest staff in the web hosting business to support client request efficiently and friendly. Just like what their website says, 300% wind power supply for your website. Their Chicago datacenter is one of the most environment-friendly datacenter in north America.


Greengeeks Reivew on Hosting Plans

Greengeeks provides full linux hosting solutions including shared, VPS, Dedicated server and reseller hosting plans. Each hosting provides popular offers with its own advantages

Shared Hosting: Only a single plan offered with unlimited features on most service such as disk and number of allowed websites. Greengeeks shared servers are RAID 10 SSD powered with 32GB RAM installed. With this service, client get one free domain name registration. As long as the hosting service is active, the domain will be kept free.

  • Unlimited space & bandwidthHost
  • unlimited websites & emails
  • Free website migration
  • Free domain name for Life
  • Free sitebuilder wizard
  • Eco friendly green energy hosting

VPS Server: Currently there're 5 class VPS server plans being offered, basic configuration begin with 1GB RAM/25GB SSD/4 Cores/2 IPs/1000GB Bandwidth at $39.95/mo price. Free cpanel/whm license will be provided and free migration service is included. Your VPS server will be ready within 60 seconds upon order verification.

greengeeks vps server feature

Dedicated Server Hosting: Fully customizable service from greengeeks company. Other than a basic hardware assembly, greengeeks configured everything upfront to make sure you can use it directly for live service. Each server provides free cpanel/whm and billing system plus a eNom domain reseller account. If you want to change the server configuration such as hardware specs etc, just contact their support people for quick assistance. Based all server specs, it's quite worthy to power the business.

Greengeeks Reivew on Performance

Greengeeks hosting is mostly featured for it's clean power supply. This not only requires no carbon footprint from data center, server hardware optimization and installation is crucial for power saving. In order to produce less heat, their technicians applied advanced cooling solutions from both server setup and environment detection. From continous monitoring and testing, a single server problem will be isolated from server farm but not affecting neighbours. Overloading is something they're trying to avoid for problem free service.

In the past 5 years, there're several important upgrades in greengeeks data center. This ensures their servers and other hardware specs are up to date. That's why we got very few complaint from monthly or weekly reporting.

greengeeks data center

Greengeeks Reivew on Support

It's expensive to offer clean service. Hardware equipment is only the basic requirement, powerful tech support shows the real service. Greengeeks has the friendliest support people from industry. They are active in every support channels and webmaster forums to answer questions even not belong to their service. Trey gardner, also communicate with client directly often to solve problems and provide useful suggestions. His personal email and blog is public to everybody. If we're not satisfied with any support response, send him message directly and he will reply in warm words till problem fixed.

Trey also works on various hosting forums to track their service quality and communicate with people directly. We can always see his personal reply in WHT for most greengeeks related questions. It's rare for other hosting leaders who can spend so much time to learn how customers think about their services. Choosing greengeeks service means another level support for nowadays hosting.

More about Greengeeks

Greengeeks has been trying to catch up with latest technologies such as cloud computing. There's no official announcement if greengeeks is cloud based but their founder managed another hosting brand "Sitecloud" which is dedicated for cloud hosting plan with affordable price. Although that brand is close for some problems. But the leading concepts and technologies are completely used by greengeeks service. By setting up cloud servers, greengeeks proudly to offer unlimited disk space and data transfer to clients.

Extra Hosting Benefits at Greengeeks

  • Super Green Hosting It's just hard to find another green hosting provider who pay so much attention for environment protection. They take daily actions to reduce pollusion such as take food from home cooking.
  • Affordable Service GreenGeeks spend lots of money in order to make their service green. However they still offer pretty affordable service plans to reduce your web hosting costs. Greengeeks decreased the price to $3.96/mo.
  • Free upgrade If your current service is no longer engough to support web requirements, submit a request to support and they will handle upgrade process free of charge.

What might be the weakness with Greengeeks?

The only weakness might be price. Although the price on home page is advertised at $3.96/mo but we have to sign up 3 years upfront and yearly deal is $7.95/mo which will be very high comparing to the promotional one. However, we fixed price problem by greengeeks coupon "TODAYOFFER" which generates the latest promotional price. Normally, it provides 20~30% discount so the price will be quite good.

How do we think about greengeeks hosting?

Being the leading hosting provider, greengeeks not only cares about environment but also service quality. If would like to vote their spirit and leaves no carbon footprint on website, then Greengeeks is recommended on top because they're doing the best for eco friendly business. Based their performance in hosting industry and clients feedbacks, it's 100% safe to go. Anything we should note? Yes, don't take their unlimit advantages for storage purpose, they don't limit your account size but file storage purpose is strictly prohibited because it will interrupt daily backup schedules.

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About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

2 thoughts on “Greengeeks Review, best green hosting provider!

  1. jim - July 27, 2012 at 4:24 pm

    Once these people get you account information, they will never let go. Do not do business with them, you will never get away from them.


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