Best Mailenable Web Hosting Reviews

mailenable web hosting

Mailenable Introduction

Mailenable is windows mail server software that provides a powerful, scalable hosted messaging platform for Microsoft Windows. Mailenable system offers stability, un-surpassed flexibility and an extensive feature set which allows you to provide cost-effective mail services.

Not too many web hosting is bounded with Mailenable, if you're fans of this software and like to use it with hosting provider, just click following button and it will redirect you to the best mailenable hosting plan!

What's included in mailenable?

Mailenable offer standard windows Email solutions, unlike some expensive and ugly mail system, Mailenable is designed with various outstanding features to help with successful email business. Here's quick view of what comes with Mailenable

  • Complete Email solution — Mailenable is designed with all required email options such as  mailing list, email alias, Anti-spam techniques and more! You can host unlimited domains and email users with a single installation.
  • Powerful GUI design — Mailenable got pretty nice and user friendly GUI interface with the latest technologies. If you are tired of those ugly email system and search for another solution, mailenable is absolutely good choice.
  • Easy to integrate — you can integrate Mailenable with other programs easily using APIs, Mailenable itself is scalable to suit people's various requirements.

There're many many more outstanding features with mailenable, if you would like to learn more about this software you can check out mailenable official website for details.

Why should you use Mailenable?

Unlike many email solutions that come with very high price, mailenable offers 4 versions programs. You can even get the standard version for free! if you don't want to web hosting business, it's good enough for enterprise email solution. Except for the free option, mailenable is pretty easy go install and configure. you can configure through web interface or pre-tested scripts! Furthermore, the latest version mailenable is full compatible with mobile device like iphone and ipad etc. You don't have to worry about loosing email while on travelling.

Mailenable vs Smartermail

While we're talking about Mailenable, we can't avoid another nice name "Smartermail". Many people feel hard to choose between the two softwares since they're almost exact the same! so which one is actually better?

Let's talk about the design, if you ignore the company logo and just work with the system you wouldn't find too much difference, same color, same navigation and even the same management interface!

They both offer free options for people to test out too. Their main difference would be on the price. Here's the comparison

SmarterMail 7 Pro = $1099
MailEnable 5 Pro = $349

SmarterMail 7 Enterprise = $1399
MailEnable 5 Enterprise = $699
MailEnable 5 Enterprise Premium = $1098

So basically, If you are looking to cut the price short then you can go for Mailenable. If you want to learn from other people's experience and optimize your email system, you can pay more and use Smartermail. Smartermail actually has more popularity in the business because people always think you get the value for how many you have paid.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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