Apache GUI Management Solutions

apache gui software

Do you use apache web server? Are you trying to remember different commands for web server configuration? If you're worried to damage the configuration, we'll introduce a GUI tool for total apache management – ApacheConf & Apache GUI.

Apache is the most popular web server solution on the planet. It's installed by almost every IT groups. From Netcraft reports, apache is serving multi billion global websites and rated NO.1 for market share. A professional and safe management is crucial to keep the service running healthy.

ApacheConf Overview

ApacheConf is a shell program for configuring Apache web servers. ApacheConf represents all the information from httpd.conf, included, log, .htaccess, .htpasswd and .htgroup files in the structured view. All of the server's directives are properly categorized in tree view. Basically, you have full access to configure and view apache web server parameters in simple navigation.

Major features from ApacheConf

  1. Quick start/stop – Start/stop apache service remotely in few seconds
  2. Virtual Hosts – ApacheConf represents allinformation from httpd.conf, users be able to view, edit or add new virtual hosts easily in prefered way.
  3. Log analysis – Error log and custom logs are loaded on the fly, you can do quick search for needed logs.

How to Get?

ApacheConf provides two versions – ApacheConf PRO & Lite. Lite version is available for free downloads but you have to register on its official site in order to activate the program. For Pro version, it's provided in two licenses, one for personal user($75) and one for company purpose($290). Upgrade to new versions are free for one and half year from the date of purchase. After that, users can buy new license at a discounted price. See more price details on http://www.apache-gui.com/purchase.html

ApacheConf screenshot

Apache GUI

If you don't want to pay but want to take full advantages of the features, Apache GUI is the best alternative choice. This project is used to provide a free java based open source Apache Http Server GUI. The solution is deployed as a web application that is accessible through a web browser. The solution is designed to be compatible with modern Windows and IX operating systems.

Apache GUI Core Features

  • Start, Stop and Restart Apache
  • Vew Runtime Information
  • Search, Download and tail logs
  • Edit your web documents right from your browser. Full inline editor for html, css, javascript, xml, json, php, perl, shell, properties and python.
  • Edit Configurations
  • Test the server configuration for errors
  • Search for keywords in the configuration files
  • View, install and remove apache modules
  • Record, Search and Graph detailed Apache Transactions.

Apache GUI

Download Apache GUI on Sourceforge site.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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