Arvixe CEO Profiles

arvixe ceo - Arvand sabetian

Arvixe – on of the most reputable names for its great price value service in web hosting. However, behind this great company is a guy under 30 year old – Arvand Sabetian, CEO of arvixe who just graduated as civil engineer in 2008.

The success of arvixe business is legend. When the name arvixe was created, its time of junior year in high school of Arvand. Basically, it's just a try to earn some pocket money. But since he focused a lot on this business, the revenue is already $150,000 when he finished college life. The profit is good enough for Arvand so he didn't have to get a job anywhere else, instead he's totally focused on arvixe business promotion with 10 employees.

In 2002, the total revenue of arvixe reached $8 million and approximate $12 million in 2013. Because of its fast growth, arvixe was landed on Inc. 500 for the two years.

Arvand setup no office since from the very beginning. No matter when its 10 employee time or present with more than 80, there's no office for all these people. Arvand uses software and a virtual system to keep everyone in contact and see how everybody performs. It's a truely 100% virtual and absolutely efficient as advised by their people. He knows each people should have his/her own life style and a physical office will ruin this which is not what he expected.

In arvixe, it's quite common to see a support working on different places, the person might be on the train or homeschool or any possible situation in daily life. Because of this, their support people are everywhere in the country and be able to provide real 24*7 support service.

A big part of arvixe business is drived by referrals. That's why arvand is so friendly to their partners. Of course, quality is everything. No matter what effort the company puts, if they can not deliver high quality service to customer, nothing is worthy of talking about. Arvixe people are developers from different IT fields. There're hardware engineers, software engineers, programmers and network engineers. Their people are connected to lots of popular IT solutions and data center service to produce out the best hosting service.

See this video about Arvand interview

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

10 thoughts on “Arvixe CEO Profiles

  1. Andrew - November 3, 2015 at 3:15 pm

    Arvixe was indeed a great site with excellent support . . . until a few months ago. Since then they have been doing all sorts of server “migration” and the result is a total collapse of service. Both the service and their support is now HORRIBLE. And, judging from the many reviews indicating that they let most of their support staff go, it doesn’t look like there will be improvement any time soon.

    • Kenny - November 4, 2015 at 4:06 am

      They got merged into Endurance, hopefully their people do not make changes to their service but just keep as it was.

  2. Andy - November 12, 2015 at 1:30 am

    I have four https server failure this month alone. It is most terrible web hosting now.

  3. Melankoliku - February 13, 2016 at 3:41 pm

    Arvixe is scam

  4. Todd - February 15, 2016 at 11:31 pm

    I have to agree with the other commenters. Arvixe is one of the worst hosting companies I have ever dealt with. They simply don’t care about their customers anymore. Support will not answer the phone or even respond to emails. Very sad.

  5. Come on Arvixe - April 12, 2017 at 12:57 am

    I have been with Arvixe since 2010 hosting a simple portfolio website with a few images, no video.

    Since around 2015 my website is down constantly. This is temporarily fixed but becomes unavailable again – simply doesnt load. My website is also now a botnet, where my domain name is used to send out huge amounts of email spam daily ( I know because I get spam rebound emails). I have asked that this be fixed, as I have never created any of these emails. Currently Arvixe is unable to fix any of these basic problems.

    Do NOT use Arvixe for anything. They should be sued for what they are doing to their customers.

  6. Laura - May 28, 2017 at 12:57 pm

    I’m so disappointed – the service is awful, as is the web hosting. When I tried to make a complaint today about the length of time it is taking to migrate my website to a new server (due to server issues, delays et) and was told there was no complaints procedure …. such a shame, because looking at the comment here, there was a time when customers were well looked after!

    Anyone know who the current CEO is, so I can get my website from them?

    • Kenny - December 30, 2017 at 3:35 am

      Unfortunately, you can not contact the current ceo at this time since they company already sold out. We highly suggest you host website somewhere else.

  7. Srinivas - November 22, 2017 at 6:29 am

    One of the worst hosting company, virtually no support exists.
    I struggled with email account more than a week to fix. Runaway form these people

    • Kenny - December 30, 2017 at 3:33 am

      Arvixe is mostly well know for its windows hosting support. Since they have sold out to endurance, we suggest you check out winhost, a reputable hosting provider.


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