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Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

Arvixe vs Ix web hosting

arvixe vs ixwebhosting

Both arvixe and ixwebhosting are reputable cheap hosting providers who can provide rich feature linux and windows hosting plans. However, their services are offered in completely different ways and there're lots of different features in case you're not awared yet. Should you choose arvixe or ixwebhosting for successful website? We have websites hosted with both services since 2 years before for personal blogs and community websites. If you have hesitated about the two services and not sure which to go, we have compiled a list of comprison between arvixe and ixwebhosting. Learn both pros and cons for right choice.

About Arvixe
Arvixe( was created by Arvand in 2003 when he was still a high school student. Arvixe provides both windows and linux hosting solutions with pretty standard configurations. Starts from $4/mo you get free domain registration, multiple domain hosting and one click scripts installer with up to 60 days full money back guarantee. Since 2008, there're more than half million websites being hosted on arvixe servers with over 100 new join ups per day.

About Ixwebhosting
Ixwebhosting( is one of the olddest hosting providers which is opened in 1999 by Ecommerce Inc Group. Since from the very beginning, ix company has been featured for affordable and reliable web hosting provider with both windows and linux options. Till present, ixwebhosting provides shared, vps and cloud server plans to meet up with your different website requirements.

Arvixe vs Ixwebhosting – Hosting Features

Both arvixe and ixwebhosting provide rich feature hosting plans with upgrade opportunities. Since shared hosting is the most popular choice for both service, we'll compare main features between the two webhosts via table views

Brands Arvixe Ixwebhosting
Free Domain 1 1-3
Storage/Traffic Unlimit Unlimit
Mysql/Mssql Unlimit Unlimit
Dedicated IP $2/mo 2-15 free 2.0-4.5 2.0-3.5
PHP 5.2-5.4 5.2-5.3

From above table list we learnt arvixe wins for up to date php/ frameworks support but ix service provides you lots of free dedicated ips. Regarding to sql server database, arvixe provides latest sql server 2012 while it's still on 2005 for ix server. You might no longer need the old database service unless you're still programming outdated applications.

Arvixe vs Ixwebhosting – Control Panel

Arvixe provides standard cpanel for linux hosting plans and websitepanel for windows servers. Both control panel systems are standard choice by most hosting providers. The big advantage is you will get lots of online help resource in case you're not familar with it for the first time use. Both softwares are supported by large communities with frequent updates for better performance and security.

Ixwebhosting ultilizes a different control panel called "H-Sphere" which is provided by Paralles group. Actually, ix is the only hosting company with this control panel support from the industry today. H-sphere is provided for both windows and linux OS with simple and user friendly navigations. You wouldn't find any problem in using this control panel. It's especially helpful if you want to transfer your website from old hosting space as explained from website migration tips. However, seems the software vendor already stopped it's development and many functions are outdated. For example the scripts installer, wordpress is still provided on version 2.7 and joomla is still on 1.5. Pretty old comparing to most current release.

Arvixe vs Ixwebhosting – Server Platform

Arvixe wins on server platforms. Arvixe installed latest version Centos and windows server 2012 on newest DELL server production. Both platforms are deeply optimized to work with different scripts based their 10+ years experience. IX linux servers are Centos 5 based by checking with support, however, their windows server is pretty outdate – server 2003. That's how people can only get sql server 2005 support and up to .net 3.5 support. It's hard to find another windows hosting company with this OS support today since microsoft will stop its support shortly.

Arvixe vs Ixwebhosting – Uptime

Arvixe wins on uptime from third party monitoring service like pingdom. In the past 6 months, the arvixe server uptime is unbeatable 99.98% by our internal status checking tools. The 0.02% down time is happened at midnight when daily backup being processed. I guess it's just a quick service reset to reflect changes. Uptime status on ix server can be recognized as acceptable but absolutely not perfect. Reports of the past 3 months server uptime is 95.6%. From webmaster experience and online discussion, their service is heavily abused by website farm for seo purpose because of their free dedicated ip bonus. So for this consideration, their dedicated ip offer is a double-edged sword.

Arvixe vs Ixwebhosting – Support Availability

Both arvixe and ix provide decent support in multiple channels like live chat, email, toll free phone calls and tickets. Their team also created resourceful knowledge base with FAQs, video tutorials and graphic guidance.Their people are also active in blog posts and lots of online community forums to answer users' questions. Main difference between ix and arvixe support is arvixe doesn't have a headquarter, their support staffs are everywhere of the country with virtual management. Ix support are all from the same office with 24×7 operation. What really makes ix different is they can provide multiple languages support including Chinese, they even have Chinese version hosting site as we revealed before. Arvixe does not have similar support at the moment.

Arvixe vs Ixwebhosting – Price Value

Arvixe personal class starts with $4/mo with up to 30% discounts if you subscribe 2 years upfront, so the final monthly cost is reduced to $2.8/mo. Absolutely the best price with leading features included. If you prefer to windows hosting instead, $5/mo with 30% discount, the actual fee is $3.5/mo. You can't find better price anywhere else. On ix service, the initial cost is $3.95/mo for personal linux plan. After applied the highest ixwebhosting coupon, the cost can be reduced to $2.96/mo, almost the same as arvixe service. But if you need to purchase windows hosting service, the cost is pretty high($9.95/mo). Based all above explanation to its windows server configuration, there's no reason to spend money for such service while we can get much better price value from arvixe.


Arvixe wins comparing to ixwebhosting. If you have hesitated in choosing the two, now you can go with arvixe with no worry either for better performance or better price.

Visit arvixe for hosting plan and promo details

6 Tips of WordPress Speed Optimization

6 tips to speed up your wordpress website

Wordpress is great blog and cms software. Since it's used by over 20% website platforms, it's necessary to make it more efficient for better speed. One day, your find you have made a big wordpress site and you have to wait long time to get it loaded, it's time to optimize for better performance. Based editorial experience, we have composed the following 6 tips on how to optimize your wordpress site speed.

Tips 1. Get a right wordpress hosting service
Hosting is the most important and should be your primary consideration for any kind website. WordPress can be the core platform for any kind website development such as personal blog, enterprise website, content management system website etc. You will need different hosting plans for different website purpose. If you just use wordpress for hobbies that's viewed by very few people, a budget hosting service will work perfectly because no much server resource will be ultilized there. However, if you're going to promote your wordpress site to a business platform, a regular shared plan will not work. Instead, you will need either vps or dedicated server or a special optimized service for wordpress like wpengine. We highly suggest check out the top 5 wordpress hosting providers for success choice.

Tips 2. Use WordPress Cache plugin
Wordpress cache plugin is great feature that should be used by all sites. We highly recommend to install W3 Total Cache which is simple and powerful to all sites. Your wordpress site speed will be greatly improved after installed this plugin because all your static contents will be cached so they don't have to reload every time when visited.

Tips 3. Use CDN Service
CDN is used by most big websites. Especially for those world wide popular sites, CDN is a MUST for quality loading speed from different locations. The concept of CDN is to deliver your site content to different networks, when users send out http requests to your website, it will be downloaded from the most nearby network nodes. In this way, fast loading from different locations is possible. High performance CDN services are not cheap but worthy of the money if you plan to deliver services to different areas on the planet. You can also use some free cdn service like cloudflare or simply install this Free-CDN wordpress plugin.

Tips 4. Optimize wordpress database
When you write/update your articles, wordpress will leave lots of duplicated contents in database. Also, if you have used some spam control plugins like akismet, it will create a big table in database. Such useless data will result in big size database and slow down its performance. We highly suggest install WP-Optimize to clear out such data and optimize your tables every few periods.

Tips 5. Optimize your pictures
Pictures always take long time to load, you can either compress it before uploading to website or use WP-Smushit plugin for live compression on website. It's highly recommended plugin if your wordpress site is photo gallery based. It will greatly reduce the picture size for better loading speed.

You might also need to avoid hot linking if you have great pictures on website. When more and more people link to your pictures, your server resource usage will be high and your site performance will be downgraded a lot. There's great wordpress plugin called hotlink protection. It's highly suggested solution if you have lots of great value pictures and would like to improve performance as much as possible.

Tips 6. Add delay loading function
It's extremely helpful solution if you have long page on website. Delay loading will only load the first screen content, when you scroll down page, rest contents will be loaded. Such function will not only help with fast loading, it will also save bandwidth. We can easily add this function by jQuery Image Lazy Load wordpress plugin.

If you're operating a wordpress site, you can follow above tips and receive better loads. All above writing is generated from editorial experience so you can use directly with worry free. Of course, you might have other solutions based your website requirements, just feel free to share your experience.

Why SMTP Authentication and How to Configure

why smtp and how to configure

For most windows hosting service, we're required to configure SMTP authentication for script email or form email. The concept is to disable using localhost for smtp server and force to use real email server to handle the service. Why they do that? How can we configure smtp authentication on website and how we will benefit from this requirement? This article will explain such from indepth reviews and guide on how to configure smtp authentication for popular web applications.

How does SMTP authentication work?

SMTP authentication is occurred before we sending out email message. When we compose an email we need the exact email address & password and authenticate to it. Once we send out an email, ISP will check where the email is sending to and relay the message to receipient mail server, this process is called email relay or SMTP relay. SMTP authentication checks if you're authorized to send emails using that account on server end.

Why SMTP authentication?

From above explanation, we know a valid email account and password is required in order to send out email. However, things are little different on web server. Most servers have smtp enabled by default using localhost. Unlike regular email service, localhost smtp doesn't require smtp authentication at all. The original purpose is to simplify web form programming where you can send emails easily via script. But this leaves a problem, senders can abuse the service easily. For example they can use it for bulk mail purpose or spam! The direct effect is hosting server will be overloaded so any existing service will be slowed down. What worse is the entire server might be blacklisted by major ISPs and all other customers on the server will not be able to send mails any more.

SMTP authentication will solve the problem perfectly. Via smtp authentication, you must specify the correct SMTP credentials in coding. In this way all your emails will be sent out via actual email servers where you have to follow various rules such as daily limits, spam filters etc. In a word, smtp authentication protected both web and mail servers and all clients will benefit from it. That's why localhost smtp is not allowed any more by more and more hosting providers. Alternatively, they will guide you to use smtp authentication.

How to configure SMTP authentication?

SMTP authentication requires smtp server credentials to be specified in script, this includes smtp server address, full email address and login password. If you are not sure how its used, we highly suggest using phpmailer – a pre-configured email script with smtp authentication enabled. Downloads and sample codes can be founded on this phpmailer page.

However, since cms softwares are used more and more these days, we don't have to program such service by ourselves. Below is a list of SMTP solutions for popular cms applications including wordpress, joomla

SMTP authentication for WordPress
Wordpress uses localhost for smtp server by default. You have to install a plugin for smtp authentication. We highly recommend using Cimy Swift SMTP which is simple and compatible with other email services like Gmail. Just fill out the required smtp details then click "save changes" to enable. Now your wordpress site will send emails through your specified email account.

joomla smtp authentication setting

SMTP authentication for Joomla
SMTP authentication for Joomal is pretty easy. The system has both options provided, you can choose to use smtp or default email functions. To configure SMTP authentication for your joomla site, login to admin panel -> Global configuration -> Mail settings, select "SMTP" from drop down selections and click yes value for "smtp authentication" -> fill out your smtp server details then click save to reflect the changes.

SMTP authentication for Drupal
Similar to wordpress, you need to install extra drupal module for smtp functions. You can download drupal smtp module on this drupal download page.

You need to extract the package and upload to modules directory then go to your drupal admin -> site building -> modules to enable it. Once the module is enabled, navigate to site configuration -> SMTP Authentication Support section then fill out your smtp server details. You need to enter the same email address as "From address" for "Site Information" under "Site Configuration" tab or else your smtp setting will not work.

How ScriptMap Protects Website?

how script map protects website

IIS web server provides a great feature called "ScriptMap". A script map is to map a specific extension to an executable engine on Web server. You can easily handle lots of server end settings by this technology. Moreover, it's great solution for website protection. You might have added all available solutions to protect your site from hacking, but scriptmap will give another guard layer. This article will guide us to learn about script map side by side and tips on how to use it properly.

ScriptMap working principle is, add a specific file extension for example ".asp" to point to an existing scripting library like, php or other libraries. In this way you can use any available executable engine to process your files. Most extensions are configured by default during IIS installation. More details and guidance on how to add scripmap handler can be found on this microsoft kb.

Top Features of Script Map

Manage Version installation will auto add its current dll mappings to IIS handler. Before IIS7.0, when you want to switch .net framework you have to login IIS manager then click the tab on website properties. Normally it will frize iis manager few seconds or minutes depends how busy your server is. It will either slow down the server or simply stop entire server IIS process. You have to give iis restart commands after the change. It's absolutely not acceptable for production server. Here hosting providers can make use of scriptmap advantages. What they need to do is only to map your site to the specific .net library. It's fast and professional.

Manage PHP Version
Most IIS servers got multiple versions PHP installed. PHP is configured the same way like and its managed directly from scriptmap handler. In order to use the desired PHP version, you just need to add a new php mapping to installation directory then everything is done.

Make Unknow file Extensions readable
Sometimes your web developer might produce some kind file extensions that're not readable by web server. If you know what engines it requires to make it working, then just go ahead and add the extensions to scritmap handlers.

Website Security Protection
The greatest feature of script map is its security protection. Script Map protects your web application in two ways, file extension and downloadable data protection. File extension protect means to change your file extension to something not commonly used. For example if your site is asp programmed, the file extension is always *.asp. Hackers will easily find any potential security hole then hack into your applications. But if you change the .asp to others for example .cpp and map it to asp engine, hackers will not hack it easily because they will have to research a lot for what scripting you used.

Sometimes you keep sensitive datas in access database or excel files that can be downloaded directly once user got the exact location on your site. It's absolutely a big security hole. However you can use script map to avoid such issues. After mapped the file extension to other script engines, it will not give out download option on user end and your data is protected in safe place. Same tricks can be also applied to your other website properties, what you need to do is to map the file extensions to a non executable engine.

How to add script map on user end?

Script Map is only available for IIS users. Means you must be hosted on windows hosting server. Many providers give out the function directly from hosting control panel where you can add the specified extensions directly. The following screenshot shows how its offered.

script map screenshot

However, after IIS7.0, there's revolutional improvements where we can manage settings from IIS manager directly. You must ensure remote iis manager is supported for your hosting service. Once you have connected to your website on iis manager you got all available options to work with. You will see how services being configured on hosting server for custom changes. In this way you don't have to contact hosting support for such small assistance.

Hosting Backup Secret Revealed

hosting backup secret revealed

Hosting server end backup is quite essential for urgent data recovery. In case you do not make your local backup or you can't upload it in quick time, server end service will give big help. However, you might have learnt the importance of backup service and looking for such hosting provider to keep your data in safe place. However, have you learnt the backup policy will vary a lot from different hosting companies? We have compiled a list of common difference among popular hosting providers regarding to their backup policies

Full Daily Backup

This would be the greatest solution for user needs. A full daily backup service will backup all data in customer account including website files, email/ftp accounts, databases and even access logs. In this way, all your account data will be copied to backup drive with time lables for future retrival purpose. It's perfect for clients but not so good for hosting providers because they will have to prepare a big backup system and do lots of daily works to ensure it's performing properly and no existing services will be affected. Daily backup is normally handled at midnight when the least traffic being generated by users.

Weekly Backup

Daily backup will simply keep lots of duplicated data if there's no change at all with your account. In order to save space, some providers will backup on weekly basis. Depends your data change frequency they might backup once or twice a week over your account for different services like emails, database. Some popular hosting brands like ixwebhosting is doing weekly backup and even on monthly basis for some services.

Partial Backup

Logically, this would be the best solution for either clients or hosting providers. The partial backup will only work once you made any change to your account. For example if you have deleted a file or made any update to your existing database, the backup system will instantly take a backup of the old ones. This solution will consume the least disk storage and system resources. If you never made a change to your site then there's no backup at all. However, the backup system will be complicated to setup and you must ensure the accuracy or else you don't know when it will go wrong. Most of the time, hosting providers will have to program their own softwares to handle the task automatically.

backup graphic

About Retrivable Periods

As explained for above different backup policies, you can retrieve backups on daily, weekly or monthly basis. However, for most of the cases you can only get up to 30 days back. Because backup system will take lots of space and system resource but hosting companies are almost non profitable for this service. They can not always keep your backup data on server end. Once your old backup reached the preset life cycle, it will be relaced by new backups. With editorial experience, the actual backup people can retrieve from hosting service is up to 15 days. Many companies only keep it up to 10 days in order to allocate more resources for live web services.

Maybe you have worried about your data security since they kept your backup in their system. Actually they won't keep your backup data for long time so there's no security issue to your account. If you no longer need their hosting service, they will clear out everything once your passed the due date.

About restoration fee

What happens when you request backup from hosting server? You might have the option to restore directly in hosting account or you might be asked to pay some fees. You absolutely don't feel good to pay for this service because that's your data and you have full rights to it. However, please remember sometimes the charge is reasonable. First, hosting company did great efforts to keep your data in safe place. Unless it's a server end failure, there's really no reason for them to provide backup service especially when it's a non profitable service. If your account data is quite important, your local backup is a MUST. Not just about retrival fees, if hosting server crashed with no backup left, you can still get your site alive again from another space.

Who can provide quality backup service with fantastic customer service? Arvixe is the best by our editorial experience if you have read our data loss story. They will backup your account on daily basis with fast response if you want to recover a specific backup from their system. If you highly rely on server end backup services, arvixe is your best choice.

Visit arvixe for hosting plans

Is WordPress Good Ecommerce Solution?

wordpress ecommerce

Fast development of wordpress makes everything possible. While the wordpress was solely used for blog purpose, now you can fully customize it for any website purpose like CMS, Forum and even Ecommerce by various themes and plugins! Is it good idea to use wordpress for ecommerce store? How and what would be the limitation in doing so? This article clears out all your doubts and give your guidance on how to setup ecommerce store in right direction.

Why WordPress for Ecommerce?

Wordpress started as simple and powerful blog platform. Over 10 years development, most functions are greatly improved but its operation panel still ramins the same. It's quite rare from all existing software projects. You might find lots of good reasons to convert a wordpress site to ecommerce store such as

  • Simple Setup. Most of the time you just need to add plugins for shopping cart setup.
  • Easy management. You don't have to deal with lots of tech stuff from its simple admin panel. Products/clients and payments can be handled quickly from list view.
  • SEO friendly. Your product page can be fully setup by following seo guidance with friendly urls. Products uploading is the same process in publishing blog posts.

In a word, it's simple and easy to setup your shopping cart via wordpress based its user friendly admin panel and powerful plugin galleries. Especially when you have very basic requirements for simple store setup such as paid downloading or donation like site, wordpress simplely provides the best solution.

Best WordPress Ecommerce Plugin

There're multiple well rated plugins for wordpress cart site creation, however most of them are commercially provided and actually not cheap to get. We highly suggest check out the WP e-commerce solution which comes with free version to work with. You can pay for premium support and additional fuctions such as payment gateways, spam filters and shipping plugins etc.

wp ecommerce

Generally speaking, you have to get various plugins in order to setup a full functional ecommerce site with wordpress and almost each plugin is commercial product. The final costs will be pretty high while its started for free.

Best Shopping Cart Solution

As read from above explanation, you finally have to pay for a full functional cart site. Unless you really have to use wordpress for ecommerce site setup, we highly suggest check out the leading shopping cart solutions that're dedicated for ecommerce purpose. Many of them are provided free and addon services are pretty affordable to get. What most important is there're lots of online help resources to check with incase you need guidance for setup as well as for trouble shooting. If you need a professional cart site and keep it in safe hands, a dedicated ecommerce platform is highly recommended. We list out the most popular choice below by editors for your reference

Open Cart( Leading open source shopping cart software with php/mysql scripting. Open cart is supported by thousands of communities in different languages. The simple and powerful navigation help with your store setup in few minutes. You can add various free or paid modules to setup a powerful online store. More details can be found on this open cart page.

VirtueMart( It's a module of joomla for ecommerce purpose. Although its developed as a module, it has all popular functions included in its design and full functional as a dedicated software. The big advantage using virtuemart is you can make full use of all available joomla features such as content management, user management and newsletter management etc. You can also add blog/forum features to your store for news update and user interaction. More details about this product can be found on this article posting.

Nopcommerce( The best open sourced shopping cart solution. It's programmed by .net and sql server technologies on windows IIS platform. Comparing to other .net cart softwares, nopcommerce is some part new but it got good growth in the past few years in co-operating with leading sponsors and communities. Nopcommerce has frequent updates and new version release based user experience. If you're developer, you can fully customize it or even create your own products based its core structures. Learn more about from this nopcommerce hosting article.

From side by side comparison, wordpress can not reach the art of above dedicated ecommerce solutions. It might be good for simple store purpose, but once your site grows up, you will have to swtich to other platform. For long term business purpose, we highly recommend above solutions instead wordpress just because of simplity.