Best Affiliate Tracking Software

best affiliate tracking software

Affiliate program is an important part to most online business. Especially for newly setup service, if you have limited budget for advertisement, a good affiliate plan will attrack lots of people to advertise your service/products. But what software to use for our affiliate program? In case you're not so awared of, we're going to check some of the most popular affiliate tracking softwares.

WHMCS. It's probably the most popular name as being of the standard integration for cpanel control panel. If you're running cpanel based web hosting business and would like to configure affiliate program, you don't have to pay extra by using WHMCS. The WHMCS can be integrated with almost all online business for management over orders, clients, billings and all stuff.

Although WHMCS can be used for affiliate purpose, the core feature is about client and billing management, it's lack of support over affiliate program and only be suggested for easy and simple program purpose.

iDevdirect. It's a powerful and fully functional affiliate software. The sole purpose of this software is about affiliate management. There we can learn about the overall statistics, ROI as well as payment status etc in GUI interface. Since 1999, iDevdirect has been the industry leading product in it's class. There're thousands of user friendly features and technical support, we can fully customize it via addon plugins and modules.

Another advantage of iDevdirect is we can integrate with our existing website easily if we designed via Joomla, It will take over all user info and give each user affiliate role automatically.

Omnistar. A popular affiliate software that's being used by many IT giants such as Softlayer and Cisco. Omnistar is designed with fraud protection as well as thrid party integration such as google analytics and other monitor campaigns. All configurations can be setup in 10 minutes with worry free compatibility. If you're not sure if it's the right choice for your business, they proudly offer 15 days free trial to convince people!

If you are not ready to install those softwares yet but just want to take advantages of existing ones, Commission Junkie(CJ) is by far the most popular choice. Almost all business being advertised on CJ for it's reliable and professional service.

Of course, it depends your requirement. For some big groups like hostgator, iPage etc they programmed their own softwares and keep everything in hand. Affiliate program will bring us great business opportunities if we can make good use of it. A good affiliate tracking software will simplify the process to success!

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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