Best Cheap Web Hosting 2013

best cheap hostingWhen you start a business, it is important to spend your money sensibly and to keep costs low. However, you should definitely try to make the most of the money you have. When looking for cheap hosting you don’t want to find cheap service instead! And of course you still want your obligatory support for popular web services. So the actual cheap hosting we’re looking for is a nice discount or a promo on a standard hosting plan from a reputable hosting company.

With up to date tech development and competition by thousands of web hosting groups, you don’t have to pay lots of money in order to host your website. For several bucks per month you can take full advantages of all available hosting features for worry free! Check out the selection below for the best values in the web hosting industry with the best prices.

Best Cheap Linux Hosting – iPage

Best cheap linux hostingiPage is awarded the best cheap linux hosting based it’s super affordable price and rich hosting features. iPage is one of the top 10 best web hosting providers who is trusted by multi millions clients since 1999. iPage provides multi class hosting solutions to meet with your specific web hosting requirements for either personal blog or small to medium size business websites.

iPage cheap hosting advantages:

  • Free domain name
  • Unlimited disk storage and transfer
  • Unlimited mysql database /email accounts
  • $500+ Free search engine credits
  • Only $1.99/mo to get started!
  • Any time money back guarantee

Unlike all other poplar linux hosting providers who announced to be cheap but come with lots of restrictions, you simply get everything unlimited. Customer can easily put up a website via drag and drop site builder tools or your pre-designed frameworks by fast ftp uploading!

Visit ipage for cheap web hosting plan features at

Best Cheap Windows Hosting – WinHost

best cheap windows hostingWinHost is awarded the best cheap windows hosting provider for it’s affordable price and rich feature hosting plans. The WinHost hosting plans are 100% based on windows server 2012/2016 enterprise edition and SQL Server 2012/2016. Since 2003, WinHost has been offering leading windows hosting plans with up to date hosting features. WinHost always introduce the latest stable version windows and newest hardware production to deliver the best website performance!

WinHost cheap windows hosting features:

  • Free domain name for life
  • Remote IIS manager access
  • Dedicated Application pool supported
  • Latest version Ms SQL server database
  • full trust support

All above advantages just cost you $3.95/mo for yearly registration. The price is still high with your budget? Don’t worry, winhost is so nice to offer you 20% discount using coupon code “WH20-TIX” for max and ultimate plans.

Visit WinHost for cheap windows hosting plan

How Do We Rate the Best Cheap Web Hosting?

We have been keep updated with web hosting industry and refresh all ranks with newest user feedbacks. There’re lots of changes year by year that result in huge impact on various top ranking. For the best cheap web hosting plan, we focus on multiple check points including

  • At least 99% server uptime stats
  • At least 30 days full money back guarantee
  • At least one free domain name provided
  • At least 6 years in offering reliable hosting service

Except all above points, the hosting service must come with basic tools for website building such as drag and drop sitebuilder wizard and one click installer over the popular scripts etc. Idealy, the hosting service will be easy to use for low cost. Regardless the low cost, the hosting service should be reliable and honest to serve clients with all efforts they can.

Sometimes, a decent web hosting plan is configured with relatively high price to stop potential spammers. However they always give out nice promo codes with big discounts. So when you look for a decent cheap hosting service you don’t have to focus on their initial price but always remember to search out the promo offer. Affordable price after discount is much better than those low cost hosting plans from default setup.

More about Cheap Web Hosting

Cheap web hosting is best choice for starter website, especially when you just like to host a personal blog site with limited budget, a cheap hosting plan will give you full features and tools to create a successful site. However you should always keep in mind the cheap web hosting service is only recommended for small to medium size websites in order to assure the best performance in long run. If you are going to setup a business website with large traffic, you should never use the cheap hosting service.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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