Bluehost CEO Profile

bluehost ceo matt heaton

Bluehost CEO Introduction

Matt Heaton – The CEO for both Bluehost and hostmonster. Both his life and experience in hosting business is a legend. From his blog we learnt that Matt Heaton is a "Chinese well known" and joined many social communities before bluehost and hostmonster.

Matt Heaton left home when 19 years old and served as a missionary for church in middle and southern Taiwan.

Within that special periods he learnt how to communicate with people on a regular basis and win friends with different languages speaking and learnt how to start a successful business in his later life.

More details about his Chinese experience can be found at this blog page.

Bluehost Introduction

Bluehost is a success from it's born. Actually from the bluehost early times, Hosting business already a pretty mature business in US so a new host always got difficulty to make further success. But bluehost did the trick and grow up quickly for excellent human kind service.

Unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth. Yes, bluehost is one of the first hostings who announced to offer the unlimited services! Bluehost got a great ammount of rewards within 3 years. The fantastic support plus excellent hosting features quickly promote bluehost to the business top leader. No matter in the past 10 years or nowadays, when people mentioned bluehost, NO.1 is always the first impression.

Visit for official site.

Hostmonster Introduction

Hostmonster is another success founded by Matt Heaton. I'm not quite sure the born of hostmonster under what circumstance but it did the trick. In my opinion, hostmonster is an add-on to bluehost service. Many new stuff is firstly released to hostmonster and then available from bluehost. Hostmonster win customers by low hosting price with the same level supports from bluehost. Just the same as this domain, they're the monster in the industry!

Visit for official site

I have to say, Matt Heaton made a successful business, it's quite rare who can running 2 successful and respected names at the same time in hosting industry. If you check the page rank and alexa rank for both bluehost and hostmonster, you can easily find there's no one else who managed to get so high. Their rank simply based on their continuing hard efforts and human kind support to their loyal clients.

UPDATE: Bluehost & Hostmonster have merged into EIG group. Being the founder of BL and HM, Matt Heaton is now powering another brand called "BeterLinux" which is optimized linux OS to fulfill hosting server requirements.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

3 thoughts on “Bluehost CEO Profile

  1. Jim Heathess - December 22, 2015 at 5:57 pm

    Bluehost customer service is the WORST!!!! Matt Heaton should be ashamed to be associated with an organization like that. It tells me a lot about the type of person he is.

    • Kenny - December 31, 2015 at 7:26 am

      Matt already left bluehost, he’s operating, this introduction is posted before his leave. Bluehost customer service is only handled by very limited support people nowadays but generally they’re still not bad comparing to many others.


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