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Google Zeitgeist 2011

Google Zeitgeist 2011

Have been used to google search in your daily life? Do you know what other peoples are searching for at the meanwhile? As a member of the internet surfers. It's necessary to learn about how other members doing. Here's the report of Google Zeitgeist 2011.

Rebecca Black is in list top and the Google+ is followed at very secondary. The year 2011 can be recognized as the year of Apple Corp., 3 of the top 10 search words are occupied by their names such as Steve Jobs, iphone 5 and ipad 2.

The top searched keywords for 2011 including:

  • Rebecca Black:Singer of the "Friday" on Youtube, a 13-year-old girl.
  • Google Plus:The Google's social networking.
  • Ryan Dunn:Ryan Matthew Dunn (June 11, 1977 – June 20, 2011) was an American reality television. Passed away in Traffic accident.
  • Casey Anthony:A mother accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter, the murder is sentenced to NOT ultimately.
  • Battlefield 3:Award-winning gameplay for Xbox 360
  • iPhone 5:The Apple's new product in legendary.
  • Adele:An England 22-year-old female singer. Well known for her hot sell album "21".
  • 東京 電力:An Japanese company with nuclear plant leak in Tsunami and earthquake.
  • Steve Jobs:The founder and CEO of Apple Inc.
  • iPad2:The next generation of iPad Tablet PC

Top 10 fast falling keywords

  • Myspace
  • Hi5
  • Mebo
  • Nasza Klasa
  • Netlog
  • Baidu
  • Wer Kennt Wen
  • Meinvz
  • Hotmail Correo
  • Delta Airlines

Top 10 fast rising consumer electronics

  • Amazon Kindle Fire
  • Iphone 4s
  • Sidekick 4g
  • Hp Touchpad
  • Spb Shell 3d
  • Ipad 2
  • Htc Sensation
  • Samsung Nexus Prime
  • Sony Ngp
  • Ipad 3

Top 10 famous people search

  • Rebecca Black
  • Ryan Dunn
  • Pippa Middleton
  • Casey Anthony
  • Adele
  • Steve Jobs
  • Amy Winehouse
  • Osama Bin Laden
  • Charlie Sheen
  • Kate Middleton

Google Zeitgeist is search analysis tool from Google inc. It will provide the statistics of daily google search and tells out what people are most concerned. For a full list of report. you can visit the following Google Zeitgeist official pages

  • Google Zeitgeist 2011: http://www.googlezeitgeist.com/
  • Google Zeitgeist 2010: http://www.google.com/intl/en/press/zeitgeist2010/
  • Google Zeitgeist 2009: http://www.google.com/press/zeitgeist2009/
  • Google Zeitgeist 2008: http://www.google.com/press/zeitgeist2008/

Learn WordPress From WordPress University

learn wordpress from wordpress university

Liked wordpress but not sure where to start? Or you're existing wp users but like to improve your skills in using this product? Congratulations! In this post I would like to introduce the encouraging news from Lorelle — One of the most famous wordpress Codex editor & Admins in wordpress official team. In January 2012, she will be teaching "Introduction to wordpress", a four credit class at Clark College in Vancouver, Washington.

What we will learn from Lorelle's class?

Beginning January 10 through March 20 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the 20 hour class will be taken from 6-8PM. It's obviously an ideal class for people who wish to learn or expand their core wordpress skills, add them to their skill set, or earn ongoing education credit for work. During the class, Lorelle will teach the following stuff

  • What is wordpress?
  • How to setup a wordpress.com blog.
  • Categories, tags, and content organization and navigation.
  • Web publishing with the visual editor, HTML editor, QuickPress/PressThis, mobile, and alternative publishing tools.
  • Publishing multimedia with wordpress.
  • Content development and management.
  • Introduction to basic core site customization (header art, widgets, etc.).
  • Introduction to dynamic web page generation.
  • Introduction to dynamic web design.
  • Introduction to wordpress Themes.
  • wordpress and SEO.
  • Introduction to wordpress hybrid sites.
  • Understanding wordpress interactivity through trackbacks, pingbacks, and pings.
  • wordpress feed management, integration, and customization.
  • Integration of social media to and from wordpress.
  • Managing a private or restricted access wordpress site.
  • Introduction to wordpress development for employers and clients.
  • and more…

The registration is through Clark College. You can contact the Clark College Computer Technology Office (CTEC), Reesa McAllister at 360-992-2106 for details. You will need the following when you call: Item Number 4538 and Course ID CTEC 280. You can find more details on her personal blog post:


What's wordpress being used for nowadays?

Wordpress is not new to most people who get involved for website development. If you're still not sure what wordpress is being used for, here are the general categories from the most recent statistics

Personal Blog. Technical Blog. Photo Gallery site. Enterprise Website. Product show site. Portal website. Ecommerce website.

As you see, you can complete almost every your online projects via wordpress. Because of it's user friendly and small size design, many web developers will take the wordpress as the original framework. From wordpress founder Matt Mullenweg's recent analysis, there are over 60 million wordpress blog registration with over 300 million visits per month. Except for blog website purpose, over 92% people use wordpress for content management solution.

Looking for quality wordpress hosting provider?

Not sure who to go for wordpress hosting solution? Indeed, it's easy to find a service for wordpress support but it's quite hard to find a quality hosting plan to assure your website performance. You can read my Top 5 wordpress hosting article for some reference or simply choose any of the following to get started!

Arvixe -Our current service sponsor and primary recommendation for wordpress. Go ahead to try out the arvixe advantages and you won't be regreted by this very choice.

Inmotion Hosting -One of the best linux hosting provider. Each penny from your payment will return twice values. You will be surprised by the mad fast response from inmotion servers!

iPage -The most affordable wordpress hosting service in top hosting provider list. With only $2.95/mo you enjoy unlimited support and  over $300 free credits for website promotion.

Merry Christmas 2011

merry christmas 2011 and happy new year

Web masters and visitors. I would like to express my sincere wishes to all of you and your family members at this very time. Merry Christmas and Happy 2012!

A the very end of year 2011, I received tons of valuable memories by promoting webhostpark website. Thanks for your co-operation and friendly suggestions to my work development. I wouldn't have made such great success without partnership with you! I wish we could make further communications and co-operation in coming days. Honestly speaking, it's great pleasure working with you. Cheers and big hug to new year 2012~

What I received in year 2011?

What I get exactly in this year? Absolutely the valuable experience working on webhostpark.

Before I enter web hosting review work, I'm a technical support stuff from a well known hosting company and work around the clock. I can't say it's that bad work schedule because I was earning my life with that work. In my work time, I found many people were confused by our hosting offers and always signed up the wrong package. I was dealing with lots of support tickets and live chat requests during that period. When I was free, I started to think about how to help people spend their money correctly for web hosting service and reduce support requests.

At the very end of 2010 I get out of my company work and dedicated to webhostpark website developing. Many people might ask why I choose such domain name. The answer is simple, because I would like to collect as many web hosting names as possible and try to test them out through my personal experience then publish on this website. The most stuff on this website you see is solely written by my own typing. I can spend half a day to prepare an article and it's picture to assure it's accuracy.

Boring reading my story? Hope not, What I'm trying to say is I really liked this work and don't mind how much time/energy it will take in order to offer quality information on this website. Because it's my dream at the first place. I would surely like to help with the growth and eager for your valuable suggestions/feedbacks. If you have any suggestion or thoughts about my work, don't hesitate to contact me any time for your convenience.

What will we do in 2012?

Will 2012 really be end of the world? Who knows? I heard some of the rich US groups are building enforced projects to deal with destroying earth quake and potential attacks because of the name 2012. However, I think as long as we live on the planet, we do very little to change it's nature. So just let it be. As long as today is not the last day, we should do hard in our work and contribute to better life. I will keep working on my existing project and provide as much useful info as I can in web hosting stuff. Once again, I loved this work.

Webhostpark development in 2012

Surely it will get more co-operation with other project websites and web masters. Futher plans and technic methods are being processed. I just hope you will get better and better impression on my work and remember it's name. I'm sure 2012 will be a more successful year.

Google Search Grammar Guidance

Google search grammar

Search engine is playing an important role in today's life style. We use search engine to get almost everything we need. Sometimes we don't know what to do if there's sudden electricity off or network down because we can't get on web for shopping or any kind communication. Since the search engine almost occupied our daily life, do you know how to get the accurate search result in short time? Here I would like to introduce some useful search engine grammar and hope they will be helpful to your internet surfing.

Google and Yahoo are two of the most popular search engines in the world and they're actually doing different work while doing the search stuff. Yahoo will only index page title and meta descriptions which is called "The searchable subject index". However, things are completely different from google, google uses something called "full-text search" which will index out everything via google spider. The grammars below will be mainly focus on google and most of which will work on other search engiens too.

intitle: Search you specified title only
Ex. intitle:barackobama

inurl: Search keyword that's included in website url. It's quite helpful if you're looking for some tutorials or documentations
Ex. inurl:help

intext: Only search the content page regardless the page title or url structures
Ex. intext:"yahoo.com"

inanchor: Search the anchor text hyperlinks only. What's anchor text? that means you specify a keywords and link to a specific web page, the hyperlinked keywords is called anchor text. For example "web hosting" is anchor text.
Ex. inanchor:"tompeters"

site: The most popular grammar used by webmasters. It's used to list out web pages under a site or number of domains for some specific domain extensions.
Ex. site:website.com

link: List out all pages that link back to a specific url. the results from yahoo explorer is accurate while it's not from google.
Ex. link:http://www.google.com

cache: If your website is changed frequently, this grammar is useful to get screenshot of some older versions.
Ex. cache:www.yahoo.com

filetype: Search the specific file extensions. Quite useful for downloading purpose such as PowerPoint(PPT), PDF documents etc.
Ex. linuxlearningfiletype:pdf

related: Search related website/page of you specified pages. For example if you search related:google.com you will get many other search engine names such as HotBot,Yahoo!, ask etc.
Ex. related:www.yahoo.com

info: Show out almost every pages that have link to a specific url including google cache.
Ex. info:www.oreilly.com

phonebook: Used for telephone number looking up, both number to group and group to numbers.
Ex. phonebook:JohnDoeCA

There're more grammars not in the list but not used so frequently in our daily life. If we can use above search grammar efficiently we'll save lots of time in getting what we expected on internet.

Google PR Updated

google pr updated today

Google Page Rank Updated today (2011/11/8) on all websites. Did you get a new PR value on your site? Are you still concerned with each PR update for website promotion? There're many many questions being asked for website pr value. Here I would like to share my personal options regarding to this update and share my personal experience about how to increase your website PR.

Is PR still considered for website promotion?

I'm sure this time PR update will launch hot discussion as always because there're still many webmasters are working hard on it. Me too, as working on webhostpark.com I always try to promote both keywords as well as the page rank. Although google announced to stop pr update some time ago, the system is still working and will update the value every 3 months. But unfortunately there's no update on my website this time while many of my friends' websites are promoted. Regardless of the update, I will still work hard on this website and trying to provide as more useful information as I can and give my visitors' good guidance in choosing a quality web hosting service.

Through my own experience, PR is still considered because it approves how important your website is in search engine. Generally if you get a better PR value, your website will be ranked higher from search result. If you're still promoting something on website, you should still consider how to improve the page rank.

What's concerned by google in order to give website PR value?

This would be the most frequently asked question and everybody wants to know the answer. If you read from google guides and other SEO topics you should have learnt it's quite simple. Lots of quality backlinks, Lots of google indexing for your domain plus regular update with valuable information on your website. This is the exact answer about how to promote your website page rank. The most essential point is you have to continue working on the schedule and never stop! If you have been doing so, congratulations! you will finally got a pretty nice PR value.

How to rank your website higher from google?

Besides the PR value, keywords ranking of your website would be the most important task in order to get online orders. Because a high value pr website has no direct relation to keywords ranking and the actual purchase. If your website is new and no pr yet there, don't worry, because what you need is the actual order! As long as you got some amount of quality posting and keywords ranking, PR will come as expected. What you need to do is to forget the pr and focus on your keywords promotion. How to promote your keywords? here're the methods I'm using on webhostpark.com website

Write original articles. Original and quality articles are most important in website promotion. You might find it hard to get lots of materials to your topic. However you don't have to write everything based on your website topic, you can always write something that being happend around your life and share to other people.

Blog and forum activities. Although blog comments are working the best for backlinks, it's more and more hard to leave comments for seo purpose. Forum signatures would be more operational if you do it properly.

Link Exchange. Link exchange is the fastest way to get lots of backlinks in short time, always try to dig out some quality websites with similar topics on your website and request a friednly link exchange. Three way link exchange is the most popular method for nowadays webmasters.

Article submiting. Submit your articles to freelancer and other famous article sharing sites and leave your website links for people to track back.

There would be more to work around, but I always work more from above four points. Have more thoughts? Feel free to post your comments

How to Increase Website Conversion Rate?

website conversion rate

What's website conversion rate? To be short, it's the sales ratio comparing to your website traffic. it's the purpose of any e-commerce groups' hard working. Most of the time, it represents your website popularity and satisifaction degrees to your website visitors. It's also the sole target for many SEO teams. In this posting I would like to discuss what kind of factors affected your website conversion rate and how to improve.

How to increase website conversion rate?

In Bryan Eisenberg's speech, he revealed the secret of increasing website conversion rate and the detailed methods. Here're the essence of the speech.

Nobody is professional from the very begining, the high rate website conversion is from all your experience and practice in the past. So you must dig and practise more in order to keep your website visitors just like Mike Jordan. Three principles to affect your website conversion rate: Relevancy, Reliability, Website Navigation.

Relevancy — It can be understood differently by different people. Relevancy means if you can provide what your visitors actually need or give them correct suggestions on your website. You might have to gather information as more as you can from real user experience in order to offer it to site reader. As long as you managed doing this, your website bounce rate will be decreased obviously. To archive such purpose you need to learn from some successful website carefully.

Reliability — Generally speaking, the longer the website in history the more reliable to users. That's why timed websites always get more priorities. Unless you're running new website for branded products in live store, you must work hard to setup the reliability.

Website Navigation — There should be clear navigations on your website and guide your visitors properly to make the order. People do not wish to spend more time on your website to find where the product is. If they can't find what they wanted they will leave right away.

Because it's e-commerce website, the website should be products based but not beatiful words. Simple and professional design would be the basic requirements.

Secrets of increasing your website conversion rate

  • Ideas are expressed clearly with easy navigation.
  • Products are matched to the website topics properly and clearly guidance to make order.
  • Convince visitors to purchase on your website with every effort.
  • Fresh ideas on every product page to attract people.
  • Completely know the entire ordering process and provide correct notice.
  • Meet various people's requirements in choosing a product/service
  • Pay attention to social network and let the existing customers to advertise your website.
  • Interacting to your clients and learn their ideas of your service/products and make relative changes on your website.
  • Respond to clients rapidly and catch every potential business.
  • There's a clear and long term optimization plan on the website.
  • Perfect decision through numerical analysis
  • Fast deployment with every fresh idea.

Things you need pay attention to

You might have got the ideas about how to increase website conversion rate by following above post. However, please keep in mind you need continuing work to get any success. Each success is backend of your hard working.

Take web hosting for instance, there're many more works to do. You have to monitor your server/network 24×7 and respond quickly to any outage. You must offer honest service to clients to receive the word by mouth testimonial. Unlike all other type services/products, web hosting service is a continuous effort in offering what you have to people. Any outage or interruption with your service will result in unmetered problems and negative effect to your future business.