News update of hosting industry and popular web hosts. This ensures we keep update with ongoing events and do necessary preparation if anything happen.

SOPA and PIPA Blackout

SOPA and PIPA Blackout

SOPA and PIPA are hot names recently because of it might lead serious internet problems and being opposed by many popular internet groups like Google, Facebook, Wikipedia etc since January 18th. These websites are either blocking their home pages or edit logos to protest such law. If you would like to join this campaign on your website but not sure how, the website even provided the detailed technical steps on their home page.

What's SOPA and PIPA?

SOPA (short for Stop Online Piracy Act) is coming out to deal with online privacy. The law proposes to expand the legal authority of US law enforcement and copyright holders. While it's original intension is good, however if this law is passed, some internet giants like Google, Youtube and Facebook etc are heavily affected. The actually bad is it will devastate the online economy and the overall internet freedom.

PIPA (shot for Protect IP Act) is similar to SOPA. To understand it in short words, it's to shutdown websites that have pirated materials no matter how does such material got uploaded. The copyright holder can seize the domain in extreme circumstances.

Learn more about SOPA and PIPA announcement.

What's our opinion?

There's no problemto protect copyrighted stuff and quite important for every oneline business. I have to admit the SOPA law has good intensions at the very beginning, however it will simply override the current DMCA rules which would give a "safe harbor" provision to reported websites. If it's passed, it will shutdown millions of online jobs and put most business offline to avoid lawsuits in the USA. Because  of this, the law is being opposed by most online groups like google actions. Except all critisism, this law is being supported by leading giants in Music and Movie companies.

Few screenshots about SOPA protesting

Wikipedia oppose SOPA action:

wikipedia oppose sopa action oppose SOPA action: oppose sopa action oppose SOPA action: oppose sopa action

Internet Survey 2011

Either we're playing as web developer or pure internet surfer, it's necessary to learn about the statistics of various internet services. In this article I would like to talk about the latest report of Top Web Server Market Share and the stats of serveral popular service. For example, how many new websites borned? How many emails sent? How many global internet users? You will get answers in this article.

What're the most popular web server names?

In January, Netcraft made a survey for over 582,716,657 sites. Apache got the largest increase for serving hosted  domains, almost 60% web server market being occupied. The Microsoft IIS got further drop in market share but it's still  the secondary most popular web server solution. On the other hand, Nginx has the fastest growth among all web server softwares. By serving over 1.9M active sites, it's growth rate even overtook the Microsoft's.

Current web server market share graphics

web server survey

Market Share for Top Servers Across All Domains
(August 1995 – January 2012)

web server market share

The stats are generated by Netcraft. For further report, you can visit this URL for details:

Here's the data of some popular internet stats


  • 107 trillion -Total of sent emails in 2011
  • 294 billion -Email sent per day
  • 1.88 billion -Global email users
  • 89.1% -Email spam percentage


  • 255 million -Total of active websites (Till December)
  • 21.4 million -New website numbers

Web server growth

  • 39.1% -Growth percentage of Apache web server
  • 15.3 -Growth percentage  of Microsoft IIS
  • 4.1% -Growth percentage of Nginx web server
  • 55.7% -Growth percentage of Lighttpd

Internet users

  • 1970 million -numbers of total internet users
  • 14% -Growth percentage comparing to the last year

Social Network

  • 152 million -Number of blogs
  • 25 billion -Blog posts on twitter
  • 100 million -New users on twitter
  • 600 million -facebook users
  • 250 million -New users on facebook


  • Internet Explorer: 46.9%
  • Firefox: 30.8%
  • Google Chrome: 14.9%
  • Safari: 4.8%
  • Opera: 2.1%

Online Video

  • 2 Billion -Watch times on YouTube
  • 35 -Numbers of video uploading on YouTube(Per minute)


  • 5 Billion -Photos on Flickr
  • 3000+ -Photos being uploaded to Flickr per minute
  • 130 million – Photos uploaded to Flickr per month

Email spam is calculated by "MessageLabs"(PDF). Email users and number of box is calculated by "Radicati Group" . Website statistis is from Netcraft. Domain name stats from Verisign and Internet users stats from "Internet World Stats". Facebook stats from Facebook and Business Insider. Twitter stats from Twitter, TwitterCounter and TechCrunch. The Browser stats from StatCounter. YouTube stats from Google. Facebook stats from GigaOM. Flickr stats from Flickr.

Further stats can be found on this Pingdom post:

Serious Security Leak Events of 2011

2011 security leak events

2012 is coming! However the year 2011 is not passed safely because there're several major events occured to internet security. While the security stuff was most concerned by some huge groups, it's now being considered by more and more people. In this article I would like to post some security leaks that brought people huge effects.

Sonny -One of their paid service PSN(PlayStation Network) was hacked in April, this led over 77 million clients' private info leak to internet. This includes user names, addresses, credit card numbers etc. However, the Sonny group only responded after 3 weeks later and the repari work continued over 5 weeks. The hack caused $170 millions loss for Sonny. (This event is mentioned from our previous post "Top 7 Tech fails of 2011")

The Second event happend in South Korea where "surf in real name" is deployed by their government. In later July, many of their popular websites were attacked. This attack caused users' private data leak for over 35 million people. Very after this security attack, the Korea government decided to give up the "real name" policy gradually.

The last name is for China. Just last week, several of famous Chinese websites are being attacked and caused over 50 million's users' data leak to internet. Some of the popular website names in this event: -This website is announced to be the largest programmer center in China and over 90% programmers have registered on it. On 12-21-2011, one of it's database backup uploaded to public internet for downloading. This database backup included over 6 million's user registration. The bad thing is all data is in clear text but not encrypted! -It's called the Chinese "Facebook" and by far the most popular social network website in Civial China. Almost the same time of CSDN attack issue, this website leaked over 10 million's user data. -One of the most popular online shopping websites in China. On 12-28-2011, their 12 million user database was hacked and being sold on blackmarket.

Other popular websites such as, etc were all attacked and caused user info leak.


From the current report, it seems such event is still processed and no stop! Anyone there who like to register or purchase something online will have to think twice about the potential security risk. Decrease of online sales is expected in that area.

What should the websites' owners do?

As reading above, the website management team have to be responsible for such security leak. The user data leak will direct to potential privacy illegally used and cause legal obligation to victims. It's unimaginable what kind of problems it will bring to people. For website owners, they must try their best to protect such infomation and sign the compensation agreement to users in case problem occurs.

How do deal with such problem from end user?

Since the internet is made by people then everything is possible. We should keep our private data securely. Unless it's a MUST we should not post our real info to the public web. Also, make a strong and complex password for your website logins and always change it often. In a word, think twice before you connect to internet and open your eyes while sleep(just kiding).

Google Panda Update 2011

Google panda

Are you aware your website is being affected because of google panda update? Our website is! For every webmaster who's concerned about search engine and doing SEO job would feel great pressure with such update. Why? Because the organic traffic to your website is decreased distinctly. Especially when you're running an ecommerce website, less traffic on the website means less sales and less money. Below is my experience on personal website and quotes from other SEO experts.

How does google panda works?

By reading the google documents and other webmasters' posting, the google panda be introduced simply because the tons of poor quality websites. You can't imagine there're over 350,000,000 world wide websites and the number is increasing every per second. The google panda is to judge whether a website is GOOD or BAD by analysing it's general statistics. If the panda considers your website has no actual help to people then google might downgrade or completely remove the ranking. On the other hand, for branded names which got high traffic and quality, the panda will not affect any.

Is it possible to escape google panda update?

Unfortunately no. In some degrees, the panda updates made the searh engine clean and provide people with what they really needed in SERP. So what kind of websites are being affected by google panda? Here's the categories from seo experts

  • E-commerce sites with poor product pages
  • Thin affiliate sites
  • Sites designed to host "Ad-sense" (Advertising)
  • Article sites with low quality or duplicated content
  • Price comparison sites with thin content
  • Travel sites with poor or duplicated reviews
  • Websites with poor usability and branding

So as we see, if we want to avoid the panda effect. We need to have a clear plan from the very beginning of our website setup. Basically, following rules are always useful to any website.

  • Create unique, high quality content to add value to your site!
  • Redesing your website structure and guide people to navigate easily.
  • Build trust for your website and be active to make it known to everybody!
  • Diversify your traffic sources – find your community and engage!

How does SEO expert say about google panda?

It's suggested to know about difference between Optimizing and Promoting. Optimizing is to make as effective, perfect, or useful as possible while Promoting is to help or encourage to exist or flourish. You must promote and get the word out but you cannot spam. Always do the white hat SEO and avoid black hat SEO technologies, the google system is more and more smart and easy to find what's going on with your website. You should follow the google seo starter guide but don't try to conquer it.

Useful articles about google panda

Top 7 Tech Fails of 2011

Top 7 Epic Tech Fails of 2011

We have been used to read stories about successful results and hope we can learn some useful experience from it. However, we always try to ignore or do not touch some painful parts. There're many great archievements in 2011's internet development, however the failure is always there. The below is conclusion of the top 7 essential tech fails of 2011.

1. HP, WebOS & the "Tablet Effect"

Hewlett-Packard was the company Steve Jobs idolized when he was starting out. How ironic that the last great product Jobs launched in his life would basically ruin HP's consumer business. Of all the tech crash landings at the end of 2011, HP's hit hardest and skidded farthest.

There's a lot wrong with HP. More than can fit in a round-up. But the example of the TouchPad can serve as a metaphor.

Last year, HP bought Palm and webOS along with it. The tech world was excited to see what HP could deliver, hoping for a third way between iOS and Android. Instead, we got the HP TouchPad, the paragon of the fact that you can't undercut the iPad on price and still compete on quality.

2. RIM

RIM wins the award for Most Blithe Tech Company of The Year. As its once-dominant mobile position evaporated, it suffered a three-day service outage caused by a backlog of email, and it fiddled while Rome burned. Millions of people, many of them enterprise customers, had no mobile service for three days.

It took RIM several hours to acknowledge that anything was wrong, and when it did, there was no explanation, much less a timeframe for restoring service. Eventually, RIM figured out that it had to offer its users $100 in premium applications to make amends, but the damage had been done. The outage cost RIM $50 million in lost sales.

3. Sony PlayStation Network's Security Fiasco

Sony PlayStation Network(PSN) is a paid service. On April 20, the Sony Playstation Network, used by 77 million people, was hacked. A week later, with users' passwords and credit card info still in limbo, Sony had to take down the whole network in order to fix it. There was no timeframe for when it would come back online. It took Sony three weeks to offer a meaningful response.

Outages will happen. Users should get used to that, but there are good ways to handle it, and then there's the way Sony handled it.

4. Color

Color has something to do with sharing photos of places and events. This app made headlines this year for raising $41 million and having nothing to show for it. Well, let's be fair. Color shipped an app, but no one has any idea what it's for. Then it re-shipped its app, tied to Facebook this time, and as you'll see from the major corrections in that story, we still have no idea what it's for.

5. Google Redesigns [insert other favorite service]

Axing little-used services was one thing, but Google gave some of its major services makeovers this year, and they were the cause of much consternation. The most infamous change was the Google Reader overhaul. In an effort to unify the product line under the Google+ banner, Google ended up eliminating social features that were beloved by Reader users.

Google also brought the same kind of design to Gmail. It was good looking, which was new for Google products, but it took some unfortunate hits in usability, such as replacing text buttons with inscrutable icons.

6. Google Axes [insert favorite service]

In an effort to slim down and "ship the Plus part" of its services, Google shut down a swath of products this year, leaving some users in the lurch. Google's house-cleaning this year left Web denizens with a clear message: Don't trust free services.

Google dumped Android App Inventor, a do-it-yourself programming tool that was beloved by computer science educators. It axed Buzz, an ill-fated social network, and Labs, its arsenal of neat, usable experiments on top of Google's existing products. It turned off Code Search, which was an asset to developers. It killed off Timeline search, which allowed interesting date range filtering of Google search results. In the last round, it shut down Wave, Knol, Friend Connect and more.

7. Netflix

Netflix had just separated its streaming and DVD pricing plans, raising rates for customers who had both, which drove a million customers away. The Qwikster saga added insult to injury.

In addition to costing more, Netflix was going to force users to go to two separate websites, one for Netflix streaming and one for Qwikster DVDs. It only took a month for Netflix to reverse its decision. Despite the regrettable Qwikster incident, we think Netflix got a bad rap this year.

Original source: Top 7 Epic Tech Fails of 2011 written by Jon Mitchell

Hostclear and Supergreen Merged to justhost

hostclear and supergreenhosting merged into justhost

Hostclear and Supergreenhosting already merged into Justhost. It's occured in October so I'm sure many of you have noticed the change because it's officially announced on their website home page. For new account sign up & customer support, it'll be redirected to justhost site directly. The website is not yet shutdown might be because they would like to propagate all search traffic to new domain name for SEO purpose. Please don't be surprised when you find it can't be browsed some day.

Why do they merge?

It would be an interesting question. There're over half hundred hosting brands under the EIG web hosting company (Did I mention this from older posting? Well,  if not, please keep in mind hostclear and supergreenhosting are actual eig members!), how could it happen to only the above names? From our research we only find a single possibility that is the three webhosts are all pure cpanel hosting based services, however the justhost is absolutely most popular in the comparison. It will reduce time and problems by merging the other two hosts' data into justhost's system.

Relationship between Hostclear and Supergreenhosting

Maybe you thought they're independent web hosting companies before because there's no real similar points on the website. But if you have heard about the company "Just development It" you would know Hostclear, Supergreenhosting and justhost are all sister companies of the Justdevelopment group. Hostclear and Supergreenhosting were sold to EIG earlier than justhost. Now they're merged, I have to say it's some kind of great news to the group because there's no scatter among the sister brands.

What kind of changes being occured from justhost?

Absolutely, there will be many more support requests from justhost help center. Also, if you try to register with justhost website you will find the process already changed. Before we got the justhost 50$ discount coupon code, we introduced another method to get the same promotional price on this page. However it's removed now and it will only pop up the ordering status. Maybe the removed the trick simply because they are dealing with lots of new signups that're redirected from hostclear and supergreen websites? Everything is possible!

Anyhow, you don't loose anything with this change no matter which service brand you are dealing with because those linux professionals are quite outstanding from EIG. You can feel safe to prolong your business with those guys.

How do we think about such business event?

I have to say, don't be surprised for any change with EIG system. Since the EIG group are promoting their own hosting control panel software "Vdeck", it's reasonable they merge the cpanel service together for better management because more and more new hosting brands are being or will be sold to this group. I believe finally there will be only two types of hosting service under EIG — Cpanel hosting and Vdeck hosting, any other inhouse developed control panel system will be dropped into history.

At the meanwhile, it's possible to see there's some price increasing on justhost site because they get more and more business from such merging.