Best Cloudflare Web Hosting

best cloudflare web hosting

Cloudflare Introduction

Cloudflare is an actual company who offers networking service. their purpose is to protect and accelerate any website online. Once your website is a part of the CloudFlare community, its web traffic is routed through their intelligent global network. The cloudflare system will automatically optimize the delivery of your web pages so your visitors get the fastest page load times and best performance. So what cloudfare exatctly do is using the technology called CDN.

Best Cloudflare Hosting Provider

If your search on the web and learn from users experience, Coolhandle is definitely the best in the industry. why? Coolhandle is the very first web hosting that partnered with CloudFlare for their content delivery network service. With the fully integrated workflow coolhandle be able to bring a higher level of performance, custom-designed usability, and better experience for clients, saving them time and money. With Cloudflare CDN services it accelerates your content delivery, giving your customers the high level of service they expect.

Coolhandle Cloudflare Hosting Features

Coolhandle manages shared, vps and dedicated server plans. Their shared plans already includes everything you expected to setup a successful website, the best of the best is you don't have to change host when your website grows more popular with more traffic, you can upgrade easily among the hosting plans with zero upgrade fee! Here's a general review for what's included in coolhandle hosting plans

  • Free domain name for life
  • unlimited space & bandwidth
  • multiple domains hosting
  • cpanel with free app installer scripts
  • dedicated IPs support
  • php5 & unlimited mysql5 support
  • Jsp support with subversion control
  • Email and mailing list support
  • 24 x 7 customer support
  • 30 days money back guarantee
  • Price starts only $3.95/mon!

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More about Coolhandle Cloudflare

Coolhandle is standard cpanel hosting provider and cloudflare is just an add-on option in hosting control panel. it's available for every coolhandle customer and you can enable/disable it easily from Cpanel. once it's enabled you will be able to monitor how your website is visited and gather the visitor ips etc. In a word, you get the ability to illustrate your website traffic in advanced layer comparing to the traditional methods.

Cloudflare Advantages

There're many, but in general you can get the following on your website.

    * CloudFlare in 90 seconds: Running a website includes all sorts of hassles like making sure your site loads quickly and that it is protected against spammers. CloudFlare makes running a website easier by taking care of it for you.

    * Stats and reports: You have good tools to examine human traffic coming to your site, but no insight into search engine crawlers and bots. With CloudFlare, now you do. You get an Analytics report with information that you didn’t have before.

    * Threat control dashboard: CloudFlare protects your site from online threats like spammers and hackers. The threat control dashboard shows you the threats that have been stopped from accessing your site. You can also easily block IP addresses and countries.

    * Always online: As a website owner, you want your site available for your visitors. Sometimes things happen and your server goes down. CloudFlare’s “Always Online” feature keeps your site online, even if your server goes offline.

Cloudflare team also developed several plugins for some famous CMS application to reduce spam and enhance website security. the benifit names including drupal, wordpress etc.

More about CDN and Features

For quick understanding about what CDN is, here is the quote from wikipedia.

content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a system of computers containing copies of data placed at various nodes of a network. When properly designed and implemented, a CDN can improve access to the data it caches by increasing access bandwidth and redundancy and reducing access latency. Data content types often cached in CDNs include web objects, downloadable objects (media files, software, documents), applications, realtime media streams, and database queries.

So basically CDN is the same theory like cloud computing  or cloud hosting. Uptime and fast speed are the outstanding features for this technology.

Cloudflare vs CDN

Cloudflare is the company who uses CDN technology best in the industry. That's why when people always refer to this company when talking about CDN service. For their outstanding technologies and service, cloudflare is currently serving thousands of personal or enterprise websites over the world. They also setup good partnership to many hosting companies in order to deliver their services to more people.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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