Best Coldfusion Hosting Revealed

Coldfusion Hosting

In web hosting service, there's a less hot technology plan called coldfusion hosting. While many people have been used to php or in today's programming, there're still people who professional in other languages such as python, perl or coldfusion. In today's discussion we would like to talk about coldfusion and see how it's going. If you're looking for coldfusion hosting provider, we'll also discuss the best solution.

Coldfusion Overview

Coldfusion or Adobe Coldfusion is a programming language that makes dynamic website creation simple in early days. It is more accurately known as CFML. Being one of the earliest programming languages, coldfusion got lots of users to speed up their web development. Recent years, the Adobe Corp even launched free course to attract more users into it's development.

Best Coldfusion web hosting

Coldfusion is deployed to windows server. If we need to host a CF project we need to look into windows hosting and check if cf installed or not. Since every hosting company is trying to reduce cost as more as possible to attract more orders, very few providers would like to add such support on the server because there're several requirements. If you do have such project and need a quality service provider, we highly suggest check out ixwebhosting windows hosting plan. IX is probably the only choice among all popular hosting brands. But please keep in mind we have to enable this function manually in control panel. Here's the tutorial about how to enable CF in their H-sphere control panel:

IX Coldfusion hosting core features

  • Unlimited websites support
  • Up to 3 free domain names
  • Up to 15 free dedicated IPs
  • Unlimited database

Visit ixwebhosting for full features

ix coldfusion hosting features

Do we need coldfusion today?

Technically speaking, there's no much difference comparing to other programming languages. However, since it started as paid solution in history, we need to pay for both development and hosting service. At the same time, people have many more FREE choice for dynamic website creation like ASP, PHP, python or Java etc. Unlike the commercial coldfusion, it's all free to use these technologies and there're many docs/tools to build a perfect app.

The coldfusion, is currently mostly used by traditional enterprise web solutions. There're very limited support resources on the web. The actual needs also let coldfusion hard to go further. For example when you get a job from a web development company, most of your programming would be on the famous technologies such as MVC, you have very little chance to program a CF project. Because of such limits, less and less people get involved with CF and that's why coldfusion is listed in "top 10 dead (or dying) computer skills" by computerworld magazine.

Is coldfusion bad? No it's not. Just because people have been used to the current languages and lots of support resources available there. Even the adobe set everything free and give out courses for people, the actual web developing needs will not consider CF as primary choice.

More about Coldfusion Hosting

Generally speaking, the programming industry is mainly based on PHP, and Java such popular solutions. No matter if we would like to develop our own project or build an app to clients, they're always our primary consideration because we can seek online resources easily and there're many communities to discuss about. We might take coldfusion as hobby in spare times but can not live with it. How do you think about?

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

2 thoughts on “Best Coldfusion Hosting Revealed

  1. Tom Nunamaker - October 26, 2012 at 11:17 am

    The article you reference about ColdFusion dying was from 2007…5-years ago!

    I still find CF to be very robust and I get get an app coded much faster than using other languages. Adobe certainly hasn’t abandoned it with CF 10 being released earlier this year. It is Enterprise software.

    The majority of my hosting clients are fine with a WordPress site, but the few that are more robust, CF is a much better fit. Once you out-grow a site based on wordpress plugins, CF is an excellent choice imo.

  2. After Hours Programming - December 30, 2012 at 5:09 am

    ColdFusion is slowly fading because it is a paid solution, and also because it lacks adequate documentation. Hopefully Adobe will find in it their hearts to make ColdFusion open source.


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