Best Custom Name Server Hosting

custom name server hosting

Domain Name Server is the first gateway to connect your website visitors. When we register a domain name from domain registrar, a group of name servers will be auto assigned. We have option to keep with the default settings or change to use our hosting provider's DNS server. However there's another type DNS settings called custom name server or personal name server. when you check some domain names' whois info they just displayed their own domain name for DNS name servers. That's called custom name server and we're going to discuss how to setup under Dedi/VPS and Shared hosting environment.

Best Custom Name Server Hosting

Arvixe ( is awarded the best custom name server hosting provider who allows people to setup their own dns server with low cost (just the extra dedicated ip address fee). If you have not found any hosting to setup your own name server, you can consider arvixe. How to setup the service for arvixe hosting? Just check out this support article and there's cool guidance. You can't believe it's that simple.

Arvixe custom name server hosting core features

  • FREE domain name for life
  • Unlimtied disk storage and data transfer
  • Unlimited database
  • 99% unbeatable uptime

Visit arvixe for hosting plans

Custom name server is doable for every hosting provider especially for those standard cpanel or plesk hosting providers. It's just their policy to allow or not. If you're interested in some hosting and like to have custom name server configured with their service, make sure to confirm with pre-sales support. From our research, most shared web hosting does not allow offer this service.

arvixe hosting plans

Why Custom Name Server Hosting

Having your personal name server simply make your site outstanding among all others. While all websites are using the hosting provider or domain registrars' DNS server but your domain using it's own name server, how will the visitors think? Especially when you're running a shopping cart site or information collecting website, it will be recognized professional. It's also quite helpful if you're going to promote your website brand.

But, that's not all for personal name servers do. By configuring your own dns server you will have full control over the dns settings so you can discard the hosting name servers' limitations. If your project has to make changes in DNS and it's not doable for hosting name server, having your personal name server is the perfect choice.

Custom Name Server Hosting Options

There're three main methods to setup your personal name servers.

A. Get a VPS/Dedicated server and install DNS softwares. It's the best choice if we would like to control the service as much as we can. At the meanwhile, it's also the most expensive solution, we need to be responsible for server maintenance and security update. There're many online docs about how to configure custom name server on vps/dedi server. For example this cirtex support article provided full steps for the configuration.

B. Purchase this service from third party provider. We also get DNS root access just like from a dedicated server. the difference is we left the maintenance and security protection to support team. Although we can take the advantage of existing setup, it's not ideal choice if we're going to make further integration.

C. Setup custom dns server under a shared hosting. This would be the most affordable and simple method to get our own name servers. What we need is additional dedicated IP address to serve the name servers. The configured name servers are actually part of the hosting main name servers, we have same level control over the dns as regular shared hosting clients.

The advantage of this solution is we can have our own name servers in quick time with little extra cost. But not every shared hosting allow custom name server for various reasons.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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