Best DirectAdmin Hosting

directadmin hosting

DirectAdmin Introduction

Directadmin(DA) is Linux based hosting control panel software which is designed by the JMBC LLC., – a Canada software corporation. With Directadmin, you can easily and professionally manage system services and configure all hosting products such as Email, DNS, FTP, database and all other services.

Fantastic features in DirectAdmin

A. Directadmin(DA) is by far the most simple & clear hosting control panel on the internet. It's simple but extremely powerful to manage all system tasks by just few clicks away. No special technical skill required to use this panel and no programming knowledge needed. No matter if you use it for personal server or for web hosting control panel solution, directadmin will be perfect choice.

B. Compatible with ALL Linux platform. Directadmin can be easily installed on the most popular linux OS such as Redhat, CentOS, Suse, Debian. If you have any problem with the deployment, DA support will be always with you. There's plenty of user manual to work with and problem fixing FAQs to follow up.

C. Portable with other hosting control panel. This would be the most outstanding feature of DA. For example, if you use DirectAdmin and Cpanel on different servers and like to merge them together, you don't have to move everything manually and take the risk of data loss, Directadmin fully support the transfer to cpanel, It's simply an export and import. that easy!

D. Light weight but pretty stable. DirectAdmin comes small size and avoids downtime by automatically recovering from crashes.

Best Directadmin Hosting?

Unfortunately, the control panel is not poularly offered by reputable hosting providers. Since the Hosting market are mainly occupied by Plesk and Cpanel, Directadmin is only in the process of gaining popularity, it's currently perfect for reseller hosting and personal use on VPS or dedicated server. The web hosts offerring DA are all small or free hosting such as, etc..

Directadmin is mostly used on VPS & dedicated servers. Since its a stand alone software, mostly we have to install it by ourselves by following official documentation.

Why should you use Directadmin? why not? Directadmin is highly recommended hosting control panel for its easy and clear face. Especially for start user, you don't have to deal with the complex server stuff, what you need to do is click your mouse step by step.

Directadmin vs cPanel vs Plesk

Many people have difficulty by choosing one of the above control panels. Here're some points you can follow.

1. are you familiar with system management? If yes, all above should be suitable for you.

2. are you going to use for personal or hosting business? Although all the three products are popularly used, There're big difference between the End user groups. Directadmin is perfect choice for personal use purpose since you don't have to deal with a lot of configuration for live service management.

Cpanel is powerful but there're many other stuff needs to be configured seperatly such as third party script library, firewall, antivirus etc. Cpanel is perfect for Medium to large Hosting business.

As for Plesk, the main reason you should use it is because it's compatible with both Linux and Windows, if you're running a windows server, you have to use plesk while the other two are not supported.

3. Price comparison: Directadmin < Cpanel < Plesk

In today's hosting market, cPanel is almost standard choice by most providers for its popularity and powerful capacity. We always have the option to have it pre-configured for any server plan, but we don't always have the option over another two softwares.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

4 thoughts on “Best DirectAdmin Hosting

  1. web hosting - February 27, 2011 at 8:18 pm

    I appreciate the post. Thank you for the information.

  2. John Sinclair - May 4, 2012 at 9:17 pm

    With more than a decade of cPanel experience behind me, and just a bit over a year of working with DirectAdmin, I can say I’ll never go back to cPanel. The primary reason is how the two handle add-on domains.

    Cpanel always turns add-on domains into of your primary domain. They explain it in their documentation at “…an addon domain allows a new domain name to link to a subdirectory of your account. The addon domain’s files will be stored in a subdirectory of your public_html folder.

    That means, with cPanel, a website visitor can reach your other websites with a URL like this: It can also be reached with a URL like this: That’s not what I want. The whole point in having a separate domain name it to have a separate domain, not a sub-directory with a web presence.

    Just the opposite, DirectAdmin creates entirely separate websites out of add-on domains. You get the economy of sharing a server account across several websites. In the server’s filesystem, DirectAdmin creates a master folder called “domains” and under that it partitions each domain into its own discrete self. /home/account/domains/ is altogether separate from /home/account/domains/

    Not only is the latter arrangement clean and supremely logical, I have no overlap between websites with the possible errors or conflicts with cascading .htaccess files.

    There are other reasons to pick DirectAdmin over cPanel, the primary one being its smaller overhead which uses less CPU resources. DirectAdmin loads quickly, runs faster, and has less code. It isn’t apt to crap out and crash.

    No, I’m not going back to a cPanel host anytime soon.

    John Sinclair

  3. Ika - May 17, 2017 at 5:22 am

    I use DirectAdmin and love it very much.


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