Best Free Domain Registration Service

best free domain registration service

Free Domain Registration Overview

Although the world is full of fake advertisement such as unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth etc, there does have some kind of completely free service. In this article we will share with you the best free domain registrar and review based editorial experience for why should you take it or not.

How is free domain registration offered?

Normally, when you sign up web hosting from some service provider they will offer you free domain registration oppertunity. However you have to keep your hosting service with them or else you might loose your domain or deal with a lot of complex work to transfer it out.

Another case is about the domain registration with free hosting provider, it's not actual top level domain name but just a sub domain under their main site. Frankly speaking you won't benefit too much from such domain because you're doing free advertising for the hosting provider!

Who can offer real free top level domain registration?

Absolutely, there're many people who are looking for free domain registration without any hassle. Dot.TK would be the best place for such concerns. TK stands for ToKeLau (a territory of New Zealand in the South Pacific Ocean). TK domain is working the same as other top level international domains, the only difference is the tk extention. So what you need to keep in mind in order to register tk domains?

  • A. Dot.TK domains are free to every people who like to register domains and you can register as many as you like.
  • B. Your tk domain based website must introduce at least 25 clicks within 90 days or else it will be withdraw by the TK registrar.
  • C. You have total control over the domain DNS settings such as DNS server, A record and Cname etc.
  • D. You have the option to upgrade your membership and pay a small fee to make sure you officially own the domain you have registered.
  • E. You have the chance ot join their embassary plan and earn money by referring people to register tk domains.

Who should not use dottk domains?

TK domains are great since from the start but it's also abused a lot by many people. For example many webmasters in China registered a big amount tk domains with no quality websites, finally most of those websites got heavy penalty from the largest search engine "BAIDU". So if you're a Chinese webmaster and would like to promote a successful site in China, tk domains are not recommended anymore. There's no similar issue outside China so you can feel free to use it.

How do we think about TK domains?

It's absolutely great news if you can get it completely free. But it's absolutely bad if you take this advantage to promote some illegal content. If you're start user and like to learn about web hosting and domain related technique, TK domains offer you good oppertunity to learn around. But I highly suggest use this service healthy and never abuse it, You know it might be harmful to other people by doing that.

TK domain official site:

UPDATE: Another free domain name registration will be opened on 1st May 2013 on website by Mali(République du Mali). If you're looking for free and clean domain registration, keep an eye on this site and don't miss out!

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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