Google Killed a Donkey

From one CNET reporting, someone found a doneky lying apparently motionless in the road in Kweneng, Botswana. It's hotly discussed if it's hit by the google street view car.

From the Google side, a spokesperson insisted: "Our Street View teams take the safety of people and donkeys very seriously." So is that doneky killed by google streat view car? It's hard to judge by a single picture, we might compare several ones from this event map.

On this map, the donkey was walking from previous picture

google street view car hit a donkey

Now, it's lying on the road

google street view car hit a donkey

From the next ones we could see the donkey is struggling.

google street view car hit a donkey

Obviously, the doneky was down there before and possiblely was hit by google car. However, according to Melbourne University's Adjunct Professor of Zoology, that donkey was walking backwards in street view images, it could be already lying down and then subsequently got up and wandered off when the car was driving more and more close.

So, possiblely the donkey was merely enjoying something we all occasionally need — a dust bath.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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