Green Hosting Comparison

green web hosting comparison

Green Hosting Overview

Green hosting is also called Eco-friendly hosting. While the traditional web hosting are consuming a lot of electricity and polute the atmosphere badly, green hosting is aimed at the environment protection. From either power supply and hosting equipment such as datacenter layouts or server optimizition, green hosting is trying to drop less waste to the earth and protect our environment.

TOP Green Hosting Providers

In order to get customers, more and more hosting companies announced to be green but actually not all of them be able to get the "green" tag. There're a lot of things a hosting company must do in order to be green, it's definitely not affordable for small companies. If you're looking for decent green hosting service, you must look for those who have been serving thousands of clients.

Here we're going to make a comparison for some featured green hosting providers and find out who's the best green hosting provider.

Greengeeks – Greengeeks is no doubt the leading brand for green hosting service. Their datacenter is one of the greenest in the world. Except for their green hosting plan, their people will also plant a tree for each customer to support the environment directly. They put the green idea into actual action is the most outstanding feature comparing to all other green hosting companies.

Greengeeks team invests a lot in order to ensure their 300% green guarantee. However, they still offer very affordable hosting solutions to people who like to share green lights. Hosting service just starts at $4.95/mo with unlimited for most essential features such as hosted domain names, mysql databases, email accounts etc.

greengeeksVisit for green hosting details!

Hostgator – Hostgator is well known hosting provider and recommended by most webmasters for outstanding customer service. Hostgator hosting plan has no much difference comparing to many companies, they simply got a nice network backbone and offer good honest services to clients, this made hostgator grows mad fast. Known as the industry leader, hostgator is certified green hosting provider and actually the biggest service provider.

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Fatcow – Fatcow is more and more famous among green hosting competition, by offerring super stable hosting service and affordable hosting plan, it's recommended by thousands of people on the web. If you're looking for the lowest price hosting plan with outstanding customer support. Fatcow is your right choice.

fatcow green hostingGo to for green hosting features!

Arvixe – Being one of the leading web hosting solutions, Arvixe now offered green hosting plans to all clients. Service with arvixe is basically all from industry standards, hosting with arvixe means satisfiction & success!

Greengeeks vs Hostgator vs Fatcow vs Arvixe

The four names are currently the most popular in green hosting service providers. No matter how you compare with all other hosting companies, they can always be trusted. But which one should you trust more and why?

From the above introduction for each provider, fatcow and HG are now owned by EIG company which is actually offering the same level hosting service. We'll mainly focus on greengeeks and hostgator. Hostgator can be certainly trusted for their long history and large scale business, they never lie to people in order to get sales. Greengeeks is relatively new comparing to hostgator but definitely an outstanding provider for every single effort they're doing. If we only focus on the green stuff, greengeeks is absolutely the best choice.

If you like to read more user recommendations and reviews, hostgator would be your right choice since they're trusted by a big amount clients all over the world, if you're highly environmental concerned then greengeeks is abosolutely the best one. You can't find another provider who's making so much effort in order to protect the environment.

Fatcow and Arvixe are also green server based providers. They might just advertised less than other groups in the business, but it does not affect them to build a green house and catch up with the world steps. Now, if you're interested with any of them, here're up to date promotional codes to save money by ordering with their services:

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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