Hawk Host FAQ

hawk host faq

Hawkhost is probably the most successful litespeed hosting company based their great hosting features and super affordable price. The company also actively launch different promotions with up to 50% recurring discounts. In order to know about hawkhost in better way, our hosting experts have collected a list of hawkhost FAQ so our readers can learn hawkhost service side by side.

Q: When was Hawkhost setup?
A: Hawkhost was founded in 2004 by Tony Baird in Canada.

Q: Where is hawkhost data center located?
A: Hawkhost provides total of 5 data center locations from Dallas, Washington, Los Angeles, Amsterdam & Singapore. Clients can select desired location during order procedures.

Q: What kind of hosting server server used by hawkhost?
A: Hawkhost configured all hosting servers by DELL production with RAID 10 and Newest Generation Intel Processors. Every server is configured with minimum 64GB memory and standard 1Gbit network ports.

As about web server, hawkhost uses litespeed which is 9 times faster than apache but 100% compatible with apache configurations.

Q: How many hosting plans available from hawkhost?
A: Hawkhost provides shared, reseller, VPS and semi dedicated server hosting plans. Each class plan provides multiple choice with different specifications.

Q: What kind of payment terms available?
A: Hawkhost provides 30 day full money back guarantee for all hosting plans. If you're unsatisfied for any reason, they company will gladly refund your payment.

Q: What kind of hosting control panel used by hawkhost?
A: Hawkhost provides standard cpanel hosting control panel and a custom panel. Custom panel is seamlessly connected to cpanel options by APIs and clients be able to complete most tasks here without logging to cpanel center. It actually provides a simplified cpanel navigation with only the most important items such as domain management, database and email management etc. Customers can also login to cpanel directly without need a user name and password from custom panel.

hawkhost account panel

Q: Does hawkhost provide free domain name?
A: Unfortunately no. Hawkhost provides seperate domain registration service which costs for $10/yr.

Q: What's the available PHP & Mysql version?
A: Hawkhost provides multiple choice for php including PHP 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 7.0, MySQL server is configured as MariaDB for highest performance, current version is on 10.0.20-MariaDB-cll-lve.

Q: Does hawkhost provide CDN support?
A: Yes, hawkhost provides cloudflare as standard integration from control panel center. Actually the hawkhost official site is also powered by cloudflare.

Q: Does hawkhost provide SSL support?
A: Yes, hawkhost provides free shared certification for each account. Plus, hawkhost provides very affordable SSL. During hosting account order process, clients have option to add ssl directly for only $14/yr. You can also add it later in account center.

Q: How does hawkhost reduce email spam?
A: Hawkhost is partnered with SpamExperts for enterprise grade spam filtering solution. Clients be able to generate and manage DKIM/SPF records to ensure your email is delivered to all your recepients. With support by spamexperts, you can filter close to 99% of spam destined for your inbox. More features of spamexperts can be found on their official site.

Q: Does hawkhost provide live support?
A: Hawkhost provides support in many channels including web chat, email, ticket and phone calls. The company also have a blog where people can comment directly.

Q: Why do I get limited disk storage?
A: Hawkhost provides exact amount of disk space per hosting account with start of 10GB, in this way no overuse will happen to affect other accounts on same server. However, the amount of space is more than enough for most website requirements.

Q: Does hawkhost provide SSD server?
A: Yes, but not on all hosting servers, VPS and semi dedicated servers are all powered by SSD. But for shared servers, they're currently upgrading and not finished yet on all data centers. To make sure you're hosted on SSD server, just contact pre sales support.

Q: What's the backup policy from hawkhost?
A: Hawk Host will make a good faith effort to keep seven (7) days worth of backups through software accessible by client. However, Hawk Host makes no absolute guarantee that a backup can be provided. The customer is ultimately responsible for maintaining and storing their own backups. .

Q: Does hawkhost provide free website migration?
A: Yes, hawkhost actually provides free migration for all class hosting solutions.

Q: What really makes hawkhost outstanding?
A: Hawkhost is outstanding among all other hosts because of the following:

  1. Super fast: Hawkhost uses litespeed web server and mariadb for all hosting servers, clients can also select prefered data center location to ensure guaranteed connectivity.
  2. Advanced security: Hawkhost provides advanced security protection for customer accounts and websites. PHP suexec is standard configuration for all servers thus each account scripts will be running under different user rights to avoid any security cross.
  3. Rich feature service: Hawkhost provides all basic features to launch a successful website. Either server platform or software installations are unbeatable premium.

Q: What kind of promotion offered by hostmonster?
A: Hawkhost provides different promotions for different services. You can claim one time 50% discount by following this hawkhost coupon and they currently provides official 25% recurring discount for all server plans during holiday promotion.

Visit www.hawkhost.com

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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