HongKong vs Japan vs Singapore for Asia Hosting Choice

Asia is well known for its prosperous economy and population. However, there're not so many famous data centers to support the fast growing IT requirements. People always need to research a bit in order to find the right asia hosting provider. Till present, those leading data centers are mainly located at Japan, Hongkong and Singapore. This article provides side by side guidance and comparison of the tree locations and find out the best choice for hosting.


With no doubt, all the three areas have the best network specifications in asia. Especially for Japan, it manages one of the 13 root DNS servers(10 in USA, 2 in Europe) based its powerful internet abilities. Japan is also the terminal service provider of multiple Asia countries like China. Comparing to any other country/district in this area, Japan is unbeatable for international competition.

Hongkong is leading because of its bridge role to connect mainland and oversea net. For Chinese web users, they always have to select Hongkong for decent performance.

Singapore is doing the best in south asia for its modern and advanced international connections. It's also the primary consideration for lots of oversea companies who want to setup their asia IT services. Especially for hosting company who is trying to get asia customer orders, they advertise heavily to have data center service in this area.


There's big difference with regarding to support. The three areas are featured in different parts while they're all leading in technologies. Let's see one by one.

Japan, the main weakness is lack of English language support. Most services are pre-configured via Japanese thus you have to be familiar with the service itself in order to use it properly. When there's a problem and support is required, we might have to wait longer till issue fixed.

Singapore is completely English based country. Most services are provided with English, no matter for domestic or international users there wouldn't be any problem in using the service. That's why they're liked by lots of international groups seeking for perfect IT solutions.

Hongkong is a little different from the two. It's tightly connected to China mainland on many areas. Comparing to any other location, Hongkong has the best geographic advantage for Chinese users. People from HK and China mainland can speak both Chinese and English. Being one of the main internet gateways, Hongkong is primary consideration when Chinese user needs same level hosting service from USA.

Business Environment

All those three areas are open market and actually play important roles on international business. Especially for Singapore, it occupies very good place to serve different markets. For internet services, Singapore is considered the gate of southern Asia. Being a famous international center, there's not a barrier at all to make business there. This is why lots of international hosting providers configure data center service in this area to support their asia clients.

Hongkong and japan are also great. However, with regarding to hosting, they have different targeted markets. Hongkong is mostly liked by Chinese. As we know, it's not so easy to put up a website in China, webmasters have to apply ICP license in order to keep the website online. Also, the governmental institutes will check hosted websites on server every few periods. Because of this, lots of mainland hosting companies rent servers from Hongkong and USA datacenters to give people alternative choice. Hongkong, for its great connection and friendly policies, it's liked by millions Chinese webmasters. About Japan, it's also pretty open but they're still popular from local or eastern asia districts.


As from above explanation/comparison, the three areas come with different features to support our hosting requirements. If your targeted market is eastern asia, japan & hongkong should be primary consideration. If we want to serve southern asia clients, there's no better place than Singapore. But if we want to deal with Chinese users, Hongkong is definitely the best choice from any side comparison.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

One thought on “HongKong vs Japan vs Singapore for Asia Hosting Choice

  1. James - November 19, 2015 at 10:22 pm

    South Korea is the ideal place . Just make sure you have good English support. Call them and test them. If you go to Chinese resllers then you get into trouble. Get yourself a web hosting company phisically located in South Korea. Seoul is better .


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