Hostgator India Secret Revealed

hostgator india secret revealed

Being the industry leader for many years, Hostgator launched their first oversea branch in India and they will start a completely new business which is purposely for Indian clients. It's surprise to see hostgator do business in this way. Let's see how it looks like.

Why hostgator launches india hosting?

I have to say, India has one of the most advanced IT structure. If you search around the internet you can find many IT professions are Indian people. I belive hostgator is currently serving a big amount indian clients and there's still strong requests in that country. That's why their website domain is ended with ".in" which is for india only. The strong point we can learn from is their datacenter is even located in India to support the best connection.

What's offered by

The service plans are the same as site except no windows hosting. Since the price is calculated in India Rupee, I'm not sure how much it is in USD. Regardless of the price, you get the same hosting features such as cpanel hosting control panel, Plesk sitebuilder wizard, Up to date php and mysql versions etc. So basically their India services are following the US official site.

The only difference with is they can offer 7 days free trial service! but you have to be existing hostgator clients in order to claim this offer. They do this for business promotion and earn the big market from local India.

Is there any coupon code for hosting plan?

You will be disappointed to learn that any existing hostgator coupon on won't be working on the india site. Since it's a completely new site, people will have to start over to use their india service. However, just like the way hostgator did in the past years, they will offer promo codes with no doubt. Just keep an eye on their site.

hostgator india vs

So do you like the old hostgator or the india one? What's their difference?

I think most people would still prefer to at the moment since we have been used to their system, support and more. The .in site still needs some time to approve itself.

Unlike the .com official site, used standard cpanel+whmcs system which is introduced by most linux hosting companies. Not sure if hostgator got sufficient experience with this system but since there're many talents work there. I think they can still manage everything properly.

Another difference is about their hosting plans. While you can sign up windows hosting from old hostgator site, it's not available yet to site. This service might be too new to offer on both sites. Hostgator has been standard linux hosting service since from their start, windows hosting won't be introduced to unless it's approved really working perfectly.

The india site is completely IN datacenter powered. They announced to offer unlimited for disk space/data transfer etc like their .com site, however they definitely need to pay more since bandwidth is very expensive in that district. Most local hosting providers be not able to offer such features. If they can keep up with the great offer and powering with decent tech support, they will earn big success again.

How do we think about hostgator india?

Will .in conquer .com? Absolutely no, since they both are owned by the same company and is just a branch of .com site, there's no really worthy comparison between them. However, is only targeted to Indian customers so there's no much expandability unless people would like to do business in India. Although there're over one billion people in India, most are not IT based which is for sure. So there would be a long time to approve if will get successful business.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

10 thoughts on “Hostgator India Secret Revealed

  1. Neel - May 21, 2012 at 9:17 am

    Hostgator India has got the worst support team i have even seen.. my god i cant belive they can just close your chat, just like that if they dont like you.. i was on their chat system for about 20 mins, trying to resolve my billing issue.. when the support guys were not able to understand the issue, i was trying to explain them step by step, point by point..

    now this support guy sachin probably dont like me, so out of blue he closes my chat, updating the comment in their support system as “Chat session closed due to lack of network response from Neel after 300 seconds.”

    Have a look at the time fields below, it was less than 1 minute back i have replied, infact it was less than 30 secs.. but they still close the live chat session giving that damn reason..

    I choose hostgator India only by looking at their Global support, but this Indian hostgator support team is the worst support team i ever seen..

    I would strongly recommend not to choose Hostgator India. i am myself looking for another host from India and will migrate to new host for 100% sure this week..

    last few lines of my chat history HostGator India
    (11:00 am) [Neel]: out of this total Rs.3820.24, you have charged my paypal account a partial amount of Rs.1241.06 with transaction id: 8K033850H74557647
    (11:00 am) [Neel]: the balance of Rs.2579.18 i have paid with debit card with transaction id: 8383611
    (11:01 am) [Sachin W.] this is the only amount we have received fro your account. : : Rs.3820.24
    (11:01 am) [Sachin W.] so we will check with billing department and update you accordingly.
    (11:01 am) [System] Chat session closed due to lack of network response from Neel after 300 seconds.

  2. scalibux - May 21, 2012 at 10:31 pm

    add http://

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  7. New Delhi Web Hosting - February 1, 2013 at 11:53 am

    Since its establishment in 2000, New Delhi Web Hosting has been a world-leading provider of web hosting service. Although our headquarters is in Chennai, We offer Shared, Reseller, VPS, and Dedicated server packages for both beginners and professionals alike. Each of our shared Web Hosting plans includes 24/7/365 support, a 99.9% uptime guarantee, and a 14-day money-back guarantee. If you would like to learn more, please visit our company page.

  8. HostGator India Reviews - July 27, 2013 at 10:02 am

    Hostgator has now entered the hosting business in India in 2011. Hostgator India is using the CtrlS’s data center which is located in Hyderabad and is India’s only tier IV data center. Another good news is that Hostgator India is also accepting payments in rupees through net banking, banking transfers, debit cards, credit cards, etc.

  9. James - November 14, 2018 at 2:16 pm

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