Justhost vs Fatcow

justhost vs fatcow

Justhost & Fatcow Overview

Justhost and fatcow are fast growing business from the industry. Most of the time we would find it's hard to determine which one to deal with because they both offer great hosting features and low cost hosting service. And, both hosting get lots of rewards by many people on the web and always in various top 10 lists.

Especially when we're in need of cheap web hosting service, justhost and fatcow are always in sight for various terms. Also, because they're so similiar from side by side reviews, we'll bring a detailed comparison between justhost and fatcow and find out which web host is more suitable for your hosting requirements.

What's Good of Fatcow Hosting?

Fatcow is cute! This is the first impression when I got to know this name, who should give their business an animal name? yeah, that's fatcow and that's one of the reason why it's so popular in nowadays fierce competition. There's only one web hosting plan from their begining, based on pure linux system and a single hosting plan, fatcow managed their services quite outstanding amongh their competitors. That's why they can proudly put the slogan "we blow away the competitors!" on their website. Fatcow is featured with following advantages

  • Unlimited website hosting
  • Unlimited database /email accounts
  • Free website builder
  • Any time money back guarantee
  • 24×7 US tech support via chat, phone, ticket
  • Green web hosting with 100% wind energy

Currently, fatcow highlights their service by offering free gomobi website builder which is rated the best mobile website builder solution. No other service be able to offer this service as free at the moment. Normally it costs you $3+/mo to use the wizard.

Visit http://www.fatcow.com and view details

How about Justhost? Justhost is well known for it's starndard of cpanel control panel. Just like the same as fatcow, justhost offers all services for unlimited but there's 50000 inodes and 10% CPU usage limitation.

Justhost vs Fatcow, which is better?

Except for their management systems, there's no much difference between their services. Justhost is the industry standard – Cpanel hosting, fatcow is making another industry standard and surely it will be – Vdeck hosting. It's really hard to say which system is better because they both have thousands of users in the world. Regardless of their hosting control panel system, the service level is always our primary consideration when choosing a hosting service. As for justhost and fatcow, both are shared hosting based plans. That means only personal or small business sites are compatible with their hosting, for heavy traffic website such as forum and downloading website then it's definitely not suitable any more.

If you really like to find which is better choice, I can only tell you that justhost has more clear restriction policies such as 10% cpu usage and 50,000 files limitation. You do not have such limitation via fatcow as far as I know.

How about fatcow and ipage?

There's no much comparison between fatcow and ipage as we discussed on this ipage vs fatcow review. The same hosting plan, same management system and almost the same hosting price. The only difference is the extra free add-on services, ipage could give you more if you're interested in this part. As for the service level, there's really no much difference.

Justhost vs Ipage vs Fatcow

Here's a table comparison about the three web hosts' key features

Hosting Brand Justhost Ipage Fatcow
Hosting Price $3.45/mon $2.95/mon $48/yr
Dedicated IPs Yes No No
Control panel Cpanel Vdeck Vdeck
Free Domain Yes Yes Yes
Domain Hositng Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Mysql database Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Email options Cpanel add-on Email Squirrel mail Squirrel mail
Sitebuilder wizard Yes Yes Yes
Money back guarantee Any time 30 days 30 days
Discount rate 20% ~ 50% 40% ~ 60% 40% ~ 60%

As you see in the table statistics, all the three webhosts look so nice, But you have to learn some "special tricks" in order to get the best offer from them if you're ready to sign up. Their default price seems cheap enough, but as mentioned in the table, there's up to 60% discount available, so why not use it and save your money?

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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