Justhost vs Pacifichost

justhost vs pacifichost

This justhost vs pacifichost is based side by side comparison of hosting plan features, server availability, custom support and exact user experience. This comparison is to provide step by step guidance between the two budget web host for better web hosting choice.

Justhost and Pacifichost are two of the popular webhosts who can offer very cheap web hosting plan in the industry and they have been discussed hotly on various webmaster forums. Are you ready to sign up with on of the two? Ok, Let's compare side by side before submit the order.

Justhost Brief Introduction

Justhost is standard cpanel linux hosting provider with budget hosting solutions on multi class plans.Since from 2008,justhost has been recommended by thousands of professional webmasters for cheap and reliable web hosting choice. The company has been growing up from a single shared hosting plan to multi class solutions including VPS and dedicated servers.

Pacific Quick View

Pacific host is a featured cheap litespeed hosting provider with frequent promotions. The company provides rich feature hosting plans to meet your side by side development requirements. For less than 3 bucks per month, customer get all technical support from litespeed and more than enough server resources to power a basic website.

Why people like justhost or pacifichost?

The affordable web hosting plan is absolutely the spotlight to lead so much attention to their services as everyone would like to save their budget while paying something. Indeed, very few quality web hosting companies could offer hosting plans under $3/mon with so many hosting features. Let's take a look about what's offered by justhost & pacifichost plans.

Brands Justhost Pacifichost
Pricing $2.25/mo $2.49/mo
Web Server Apache Litespeed
Control Panel cPanel cPanel
hosting coupon 50off (50% discount) webhostpark (20% discount)

User ratings for justhost and pacifichost hosting

Althoug both the companies could offer very affordable web hosting plans but there's big difference from user experience/feedbacks. The mostly discussed topic would be the pretty slow customer support from PH while very few such cases from justhost. Here's a graphic reporting about their service complaints and customer rating.

Justhost vs Pacifichost

Real Difference between justhost and pacifichost hosting

Ok, I will compare the two webhosts from hosting technical features & support.

From hosting features, pacifichost is probably more attractive than justhost such as the 250,000 inodes limitation which is 5 times more than justhost. Also, pacifichost is using litespeed for web server which is several times faster than standard apache web hosting.

However we should not only pay attention to what's offered we don't really need but to something actually benefitial to our website. Justhost support is quite outstanding comparing to pacifichost. What can I say, if you read from some hot web hosting forums such as WHT you will learn that almost no positive review to pacifichost because of various problems and the rating is actually generated from real end users so it can be 100% trusted.

How do we think about the two webhosts?

As you know, for such low price web hosting plans we can only put up small to medium size websites such as personal blog. For business and high traffic ecommerce sites, we should never consider such plans because we always get for what we paid. if you have a small website and like to save money with the two webhosts, justhost is definitely better choice.

Go to http://www.Justhost.com and sign up with 50% discount!

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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