Best Litespeed Web Hosting Revealed

Litespeed Hosting

Litespeed Introduction

What's Litespeed? Litespeed is one of the most popular and fast responding web server solution. Since from 2002, litespeed has been installed on millions servers and serving lots of popular websites on the globe. While it's 100% compatible with Apache configuration, it's fully optimized for speed and removed lots of unnecessary components from apache for weight loose.

Litespeed web server Hosting Advantages

  • Fast — There're many finger cross advantages by using litespeed as your web server. The most discussed aspect would be it's fast response for website calling, from various evaluation by webmasters, it's 10 times faster than apache!
  • Low resource usage — Litespeed is a light weight web server software with little cpu/memory usage even for heavy traffic websites.
  • Compatibility — Compatible for most web hosting control panels such as cpanel, DirectAdmin, Plesk, H-Sphere, ISPConfig, LxAdmin and more!
  • Security — With live experience of various company, litespeed is the best option for anti d-dos attack and actually reduced many other potential security leaks.

Here is the stats of the popular web server softwares usage on internet

Web server market share

Best Litespeed Hosting Provider

As litespeed is more and more popular, many hosting companies are planning to introduce into this web server. Till present, there's one most popular web hosting providers with litespeed support — Hawkhost

Here's a table list of hosting features with the two webhosts

Hosting Brand Hawkhost
monthly price $3.29
space & bandwidth 3~24GB
control panel cpanel
money back 30
user rating 10/10
hosting coupon 50% discount

Hawkhost is considered the standard choice of litespeed hosting today. Pacifichost is simply bad according to users' experience and heavy complaints on the web. They oversell a lot and caused frequent downtime on daily basis. It's not a recommended host by any chance. Hawkhost is definitely better choice based user experience and hosting offers. They offer honest and reliable hosting services to help with your website success. What's more, you can get up to 50% discount by following this hawkhost coupon page!

Go to for more web hosting details >>

hawkhost litespeed hosting plans

Litespeed Web Server Weakness

The only weakness of litespeed is it's Linux-only working environment, but definitely not everyone prefers to linux. If litespeed team could develop windows version product I believe litespeed will get unbelievable amount of fans. Since apache already pretty successful for across platform installation, litespeed should has no much problem to deal with.

Litespeed Hosting FAQs

Is Litespeed web server free?

There are 2 versions litespeed: Standard and Enterprise. The Standard Edition is free both personal and commercial use. Standard Edition is a limited feature version and does not scale with MP servers. Enterprise Edition is fine-tuned for optimal performance and is linearly scalable to N-Multi-CPU/Core servers.

Why Litespeed is faster web server?

Litespeed is clean and optimal network processing architecture designed from the ground up for low-latency and scalability.

Can I host sign up litespeed hosting for apache developed website?

Yes, Litespeed is 100% compatible for apache technologies, you don't have to make further changes.

Does litespeed support script?

Yes, you can host scripts under litespeed web server by compiling FastCGI binding to Mono.

What's the best litespeed hosting control panel?

cPanel is by far the best hosting control panel for litespeed.

How much should you pay for litespeed hosting service?

The price may vary depends your requirement. However, it should not be more than $5/mo for shared litespeed hosting plan.

IIS vs Litespeed vs Apache

Can litespeed be compared to other main web server softwares such as IIS and Apache? Surely they can!

IIS has the longest history in web server development and it's a MUST for microsoft developers as it's integrated with Asp, and many other ms technologies. Just like litespeed with linux friendly, IIS can be deployed to Windows only.

Apache is by far the most popular web server software for it's stability and user friendly structure. The best of the best is you can configure it for almost every server system with easy management tools. Apache is also the standard choice of most linux hosting prov

How about litespeed in the comparison? If speed is your most concerned point, litespeed is the best replacement of Apache and 100% compatible with existing apache configurations! If you got many complaints about the performance, you can try out litespeed and discover the surprise!

So basically, IIS is only for microsoft windows and Litespeed is only for linux server. But apache works with both platforms and most popularly used by service provider. Litespeed is outstanding for it's leading performance and light weight.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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