TOP phpBB Hosting Reviews

best phpbb hosting

phpBB Introduction

phpbb, A completely free plat-forum bulletin board software solution. Since its creation in 2000, phpBB has become the most widely used Open Source forum platform. phpbb software users  vary from personal to large community website owners from different businesses. While the software is dedicated forum solution, advanced users can easily add it to existing website to create a discussion board.

In order to host phpBB script, your hosting server needs to have following requirements fulfilled:

  • Must be configured for PHP support and suPHP is best.
  • Installed with one of the following database engines: FireBird, MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, or even Oracle.
  • Installed with one of the following web servers: IIS, Apache, Litespeed or Nginx

As we see, above requirements are pretty basic for all leading hosting providers and actually most of them provide more than what phpBB required. Although phpBB works with most server systems, we highly recommend LAMP environment for low costs and high performance.

Best phpBB hosting – Arvixe

Arvixe is on top recommendation for reliable phpbb hosting service. The arvixe hosting server is extremely optimized for phpbb scripting with unlimited disk space and data transfer support. Only $4/mo and official 20% discount for yearly deal!

What really makes arvixe phpbb hosting outstanding is their 60 days money back guarantee plus professional phpbb development support. There're multiple class plans to grow up in case users need higher hosting solutions, there're VPS, Dedicated server and cloud hosting choice to support your requirement side by side. While the arvixe hosting is 100% risk free, they offer around the clock tech support via live chat, ticket and toll free calls.

Best phpBB Hosting – Webhostinghub

WHUB is best choice for secured phpbb forum hosting, the webhostinghub server php installation is based suPHP which is advanced setup for code protection. In this way, the script is executed by specific php users instead the same system user. Website will not offered each other on same server. Because this setup requires higher server specs, not too many providers offer it.

Further more, Webhostinghub is running the fastest web server from the industry! Managed by Inmotion group via maz speed zone networking, Website will be called at the most nearby datacenter to generate the fastest loading speed. They're proud to offer 100% satisfication guarantee and up to 90 days full money back guarantee to keep your business with them!

Either arvixe or webhostinghub, the both company plans are setup with following unbeatable advantages to support a successful phpbb site:

1. Unlimited disk and bandwidth – They both provide this on RAID 10 disk space and advanced data center backbones. Either their server production or bandwidth provider, the hardware resources are more than enough to support a successful hosting business. Because a forum always eat a lot of resources, we got multiple upgrade solutions to ensure the best performance.

2. Friendly control panel – They both provide standard cpanel control panel with phpbb auto installer. Either website domain, files or database, you can manage everything professionally and easily. We can easily track website usage with no technical setup.

3. Uptime and support – They both guarantee 99% server uptime by advanced hardware setup. Either server production or data center backboness are all from the best of the country. Their people provide 24*7 tech support in multiple ways such as website chat, email and ticket etc. Their tech team also created lots of tutorial guidance on how to use the software.

There're lots of other leading features for the two providers, you might want to check and try out with your specific requirements. They're leading choice for most phpbb forum websites and highly recommended for small to medium size forum hosting purpose.

More about phpBB

Free – phpbb is completely free software which can be deployed to personal website and any other websites without license consideration. Before and after phpbb, there're many forum solutions which requires registration with a fee.

Open source – phpbb is open source project and supported by a large scale communities world wide.

Users – With no doubt, phpbb is absolutely the NO.1 most popular forum software and mostly used on the internet forum solutions.

Secure – I think the only security you should concern is from your actual webserver where your phpbb forum locates at. phpbb always update any security leak from their newsletter and keep your forum site in safe.

Support – Powered by a large scale communities all over the world, you can find every solution to your phpbb site.

There's another forum script called Vbulletin which is very similar to phpbb, however, the codes are encrypted and used for commercial purpose. Many people always compare the two softwares and not sure how to choose. The only difference is about license and support. While Vbulletin is commercial release with official tech support, phpBB is completely open source project with a large development community.

If you manage a huge business and require professional tech support from software vendor, Vbulletin is perfect choice because you don't want to bug the problems by yourself. If you're developer or running a medium size board, phpBB is good enough because you don't have to pay anything.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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