Best PhpNuke Web Hosting

best phpnuke web hosting

PHP-Nuke Introduction

What's phpnuke? PHP-Nuke is a web-based automated news publishing and content management system(CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. It's the best web application for quick news publish.

PHP-Nuke also offers a very high number of features not present on other systems and each new release will add much more new and cool features.

Some core features of phpnuke

PHP-Nuke is a content management system allowing webmasters to create community-based portals (websites), allowing users and editors to post news items (user-submitted news items are selected by editors) or other types of articles.

Modules can be added to the PHP-Nuke system allowing additional features such as an Internet forum, Calendar, News Feed, FAQ's , Private Messaging and others. The site is maintained through an administration interface.

PHP-Nuke resources:

  • phpnuke official site:
  • download phpnuke:
  • phpnuke themes:

What's the hosting requirement of phpnuke?

PHP-Nuke can be running on the following Operation systems

  • Linux
  • Any Unix flavor
  • OS/2
  • Any Windows flavor
  • MacOS
  • FreeBSD

Best phpnuke Web Hosting

Since phpnuke only requires php and mysql to work with. 99% web hosting service providers should support phpnuke without any problem. We higly recommend the best LAMP environment for both performance and cost consideration. After reviewed 100+ phpnuke supported hosting service, following list is highly recommended:

best phpnuke hosting - webhostinghubWebhostingHub – Fast and affordable phpnuke web hosting service for only $4.99/mo. They're currently promoting their service for only $1.95/mo for the first 3 months. WebhostingHub is your primary consideration for phpnuke website because they offer free domain and unlimited database support plus advance php code protection via suPHP. Hesitate about webhostinghub hosting? Don't worry, since they're providing up to 90 days full money back guarantee, you can feel 100% safe to pay with them!

Go to for phpnuke hosting plan details

Arvixe – For fast, secure and reliable phpNuke Hosting, look no further than Arvixe. Arvixe phpnuke hosting plan provides everything you need, including a free automated installation of phpNuke. For only $4/mo you get full access to all phpnuke features.

PhpNuke is a simple support for all arvixe hosting plans, the server setup is more than engough for basic phpnuke requirements. What most important is their people are available all over the country to offer real 24*7 support. Unless your requirement will bring server security chanllenge, they will try to satisfy each client as much as they can.

PHPNuke vs Joomla

Both phpnuke and Joomla are leading choice for content management but which is better choice? The answer is joomla. Joomla is almost recognized the standard choice for CMS software for today's web development. Based it's great modules/plugins and templates, you can easily get a professional site in quick time. You can also use joomla for further development to fulfill your needs.

phpnuke was perfect in the past because very few competitors at that time. Although it's still powering lots of great sites, it's not recommended for today's website developing needs. We highly suggest using Joomla for CMS purpose. They update frequently for bug fixes as well as lots of templates to choose from. Besides, there're lot of support resource for this software to help with any kind problem fixing.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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