Review review is one of the very few .net hosting providers who provides up to 60 days free trial service. If you have been looking for high quality .net web hosting service and need professional suggestion. This page will tell you more from background reviews. Our editorial experience will help review this company side by side and make sure you get additional information than anywhere else.

Brief Introduction of

The site is launched in 2012 by a group of windows hosting professionals in Los Angeles. The company is compose by a group of developers with more than 10 years development experience. focus on windows server platform and fully compatible with php mysql technologies. After several critical changes, the company completely revised their management system and server structures to meet up with modern IT requirements. To be more clear, they upgraded from ASP to and PHP platforms for better user friendly interface and faster response. Reivew – Hosting Plans provides multi class hosting plans for shared, semi dedicated, VPS and reseller hosting. Each class hosting provides multiple grade plans to work with different hosting requirements. What makes their service different is they provide a free trial plan for up to 60 days. No credit card or any sensitive privacy required but just a simple registration, then you get a full functional .net hosting account!

Shared Hosting – There're four grades of plans available – Free trial, Basic, Advance and Premium plans. While the basic plan provides the same features from free trial service, advance and premium plans provides more support to some critical service such as number of Ms Sql database, reporting service, mailing list and cron jobs etc. Each grade hosting plan provides different limitation on these services. All server system OS is powered by SSD drive for guaranteed response! shared hosting plan

Semi dedicated Hosting – It's a kind of enterprise choice for advanced shared hosting service. While the traditional shared hosting server resource is allocated to many customer accounts, semi dedicated server plan is shared by less than 10 people on single server. In this way, customer get more hardware resource support with much better performance guaranteed. It's extremely helpful to enterprise applications and big website before upgrading to VPS or dedicated server. The most important thing is you don't have to manage server by yourself but use it as regular web hosting. semi dedicated hosting

VPS Hosting – Other than offering low level server configuration and compete on price, provides enterprise class VPS solutions with lots of hardware resources. Based Virtuozzo and cloud technologies, the VPS server is scalable and flexible to meet up your business growth requirement with zero down time. The best of the best is customer be able to choose windows and linux OS with no extra costs. Each server is properly secured by firewall and anti-virus units with SSAE 16 SOC 2 Type 2 Compliance. vps server

Reseller Plan – provides total of 4 class reseller plans with limitation only on allocated disk space. Resellers will get a full functional control panel system for billing and clients management. If you're developer, their reseller plan comes with a set of API for you to use. You can use it to manage/add/delete all of your hosting accounts. You can setup your prefered hosting plans as you like within allocated disk space. All available technical features are provided for each class reseller plans so can setup a full functinoal hosting service to your client. Reivew – Control Panel

Neither cpanel nor WebsitePanel, programmed their own control panel system with optimized management for hosting services. This control panel system is programmed via cloud technologies to have every service centrally and professionally managed. All services are properly categorized so you're not confused to navigate correctly. You can manage multiple hosting accounts under a single control panel login. In this way you don't have to use different credentials to manage different hosting accounts so everything is kept easy. Reivew – Networking is powered by total of 3 data centers from Los Angeles. Each Data Center features a redundant network of multiple fiber trunks from multiple sources, redundant power on the premises and diesel backup generators. Each Data Center is equipped with HVAC temperature control systems with separate cooling zones, seismically braced racks, advanced early smoke detection and fire suppression systems. is supported by some of the top quality bandwidth providers such as Level3, Global Crossing, AT&T and UUNET. Further more, the company provides free cloudflare integration in hosting control panel and their people are co-operated with multiple CDN providers on multi locations on the planet. Means be able to generate the best connectivity for your site. We have experienced the change by several projects testing and saw how their people are improving their speed. Reivew – Support

The company provides pretty standard and helpful hosting supports including Toll free phone call, Email, Ticket and 24*7 live chat channel. Their people are running around the clock to accept each of your request professionally. Either from basic pre-sale or after sale technical support, their people be able to answer your questions professionally and friendly.

Besides all about this, their people are pretty active in multiple webmaster forums and Q/A communities to answer questions directly. Not only the support team, their CEO is also responsive with helpful replies! If you're not satisfied with their technician, you can drop messages directly to him and he will support you seperately. Reivew – Price Value

Try with zero cost and sign up with only $2.95/mo, you will be able to enjoy all .net and sql server advantages. This price gives customer full control to website properties by professional management system. In case you need upgrade plan support, it can be done quickly from control panel center and no support contact required. The system will upgrade the properties automatically.

Unlike most web hosting providers who provides various coupon code to attract sign ups, provides 10~15% discount directly if you sign up 24 or 36 months. Just like a real shop promotion, if you buy more, discount will be applied. promo

Things You Should be Awared provides affordable hosting plans, but you must learn the following to understand their policies and make sure you will not violate the TOS.

File/Folder limitation – Each hosting plan provides different limitations for number of files/folders.

  • Basic plan – 10,000 files/folders
  • Advance plan – 50,000 files/folders
  • Premium plan – 100,000 files/folders
  • Semi Basic – 200,000 files/folders
  • Semi Advance – 300,000 files/folders
  • Semi Premium – 400,000 files/folders
  • Reseller plan – 1,000,000 files/folders

Further more, each individual hosting account shell not exceed the limit of 99 IIS Entries.

Remedy Action – In the event of Remedy Action against Spamming Activities or Internet Abuse, will charge the customer a $500.00 clean up fee.

Charge Back Penality – The Customer agrees not to issue chargebacks for any credit card payments. A chargeback of payment for services rendered will result in an additional charge of $150.

Learn more about their TOS at

More about

Before we tell anything of the background, we would like to know how many people still remember the name "WebHost4Life". Why? Because is next generation of webhost4life which is developped by the old team. After their old business accauired by endurance, they launched webhost4life China. But their people definitely would not like to loose the old market and had been preparing for new business. The domain was registered in 2012 and live hosting was offered quickly later in smaller scope. They're now earned big success again for new business and still growing up fast.

Their team is composed by windows professionals that's why no linux plan offered at the moment. Since they can support most linux applications at very affordable costs on windows hosting plans, they might not consider to offer linux again. Especially when they have seriously used in business domain name.

Find out more about this company on

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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