Best Smartermail Hosting Reviews

best smartermail hosting

Smartermail Review

Smartermail is one of the best mail software developed by SmarterTools Inc. SmarterMail is powered by and marketed as "The Cost-effective Microsoft Exchange Alternative", Since from 2003, smartermail has been offering outstanding windows mail service to thousands of personel and enterprises over 100 countries.

SmarterMail is a scalable and stable solution with fully integrated anti-spam and anti-virus protection with enterprise class functionality. With over 15 million end users and a strong global network of channel partnerships, Smartermail is the best choice for enterprise grade businesses.

Best Smartermail Hosting Provider

Smartermail is windows mail program and mainly used for corporation email solutions. It's not popularly offered in web hosting industry. The best smartermail hosting goes to based editorial experience and side by side reviews. HG smartermail service is configured on windows 2008 R2 with as cheap as $4.76/mon. Smartermail is a simple support by default in Plesk control panel. Smartermail hosting plan features include the following:

hostgator smartermail hosting

Hostgator is on top recommendation not only because of its seamless support to smatermail software but mainly because of their super stable hosting server and network. By powering over 10 million global sites, their people are very serious about server performance and security. Web server, database server and email server are seperated for professioal management and guaranteed performance.

Visit for smartermail hosting details!

More about Smartermail

SmarterMail aims at delivering an industry leading and a user friendly user interface for accessing the emails, contacts, calendars and tasks as also provides a complete server management system. The AJAX Web interface is designed by drag and drop operations and tab controls. Smartermail hosting comes with following advantages

  • Exchange Alternative – While smartermail has pretty low server requirements. it is pretty cheaper than Microsoft exchange and definitely the best-in-class Microsoft Exchange alternative for businesses and hosting companies.
  • Professional looking – Using a standard Web browser we can access email, calendars, contacts, tasks, chats and notes in the office, on the road, or at home.
  • Easy Migration – No matter if you're using free mail service such as hotmail, gmail or a hosted mail service. Smartermail provide a very friendly GUI to migrate over everything from other place to your hosting mail server.
  • Powerful APIs – Administration tasks can be done via web based interface and coding level through a web service API.
  • Control panel support – Smartermail comes with default support with several most popular hosting control panel such as Plesk and dotnetpanel.
  • Free option – Best of the best, Smartermail offers free version which is fully functional like the paid version besides it only works on one domain, it's good enough for people to learn about everything of smartermail.

As for smartermail itself, there're lots of leading features comparing to all other email platforms. Those spotlights includes

  • Email Forwarding
  • Greylisting
  • Whitelisting
  • Microsoft Outlook Sync
  • AJAX Spellcheck
  • Multilanguage support
  • Inbox message preview window
  • Create custom spam weights
  • RSS feed news integration
  • Calendaring
  • Contact management
  • Rich text editing
  • HTML email compatible
  • And more….

If you have feeled the power of microsoft exchange but not ready to deal with the complex setup and expensive license yet, smartermail will be your best choice. A single executive installer will get everything prepared very quickly. Just go ahead and try out it's free edition and test out.

Smartermail official site:

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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