Best Time in The Day for Social Network Marketing

More and more people stay longger on social network websites like facebook, twitter. Because of this, the online sellers are trying various methods to promote their products/services on those networks. A perfect idea is important to archive success, but if we can pick up a perfect time to send out the ideas it will return twice value with less work.

Email Marketing

Email is the traditional and basic marketing tricks. Regardless any kind spam email, do you know when people open email box in a day? Here's a graphic analysis

perfect time for email marketing

perfect time for email marketing

The above graphic stats is the research of English people, it shows the golden times for email marketing is 10:00AM – 17:00PM from Tuesday to Thursday.

Blog Marketing

What's the time for people to read blog? Let's see this graphic

perfect time for blog marketing

The answer is most people read blog news at breakfest time around 8:00AM

Facebook Marketing

Facebook is the largest social network site, it's pretty essential to learn about people's activity on it. Here's the facebook acivity graphic

perfect time for facebook marketing

It shows the perfect marketing time on FB is 7:00AM – 12:00AM and 19:00PM – 21:00PM. The research also shows people are more active from Friday to Sunday. So make sure to handle your marketing campaign correctly and spend each penny on right place.

Now turns to Twitter. What's the best time for twitter marketing? The answer is 12:00PM – 20:00PM, From Wednesday to Friday

perfect time for twitter marketing

perfect time for twitter marketing

The mobile device marketing is new but fast growing business, the time for mobile marketing is very similar to twitter. Most people connect to mobile during 12:00PM – 20:00PM.

perfect time for mobile device marketing

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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