Stablehost Review

stablehost review

When selecting a web hosting service, reliability is the most essential consideration nowadays, because many people scared by cheap hosting plans and finally have to pay extra for additional support. Under such conditions, price is not so important factor for hosting choice regardless the continuing price downgrade for most providers. However, low price does not always mean less quality service. Today let's check out one of the mostly recommended name in WHT called Stablehost. If you need a quality stablehost review and personal feedback, you got the right place.

Stablehost introduction

In 2002, stablehost was setup in Phoenix, Arizona to provide affordable shared and reseller cpanel hosting, VPS is also launched recently for enterprise level business purpose. From the very beginning, stablehost has been following the cpanel standards and keep up with latest tech updates. All stablehost servers are configured using cloudlinux and litespeed for best performance.

Stablehost Hosting Plans

Stablehost provides multiple level hosting plans including shared, Enterprise, reseller and VPS Hosting. Each hosting solutions are splited into 3 hosting packages with different features/limits. The limits is all about allocated disk space/data transfer. Unlike all their competitors who offer everything unlimited, stablehost limits on disk space and bandwidth to ensure the server health and every client will benifit from this.

Stablehost Pros and Cons

With no doubt, the stablehost infrastructure is configured with the best technologies and user friendly enough. The OS is pre-optimized cloudlinux which is by far the best OS for linux server environment. After the implementation of litespeed, the most reliable platform is ready for quality online service plans.

  • Very affordable service – Only $3.95/mo for guaranteed 1GB disk space and 50GB bandwidth is absolutely perfect choice for most website requirements. With this price we also get free website migration and free sitebuilder. If we're not satisfied with the service we also have 45 days money back guarantee ensurrance.
  • Official 40% discount – If the price is still high with your budget, the stablehost will give you another 40% discount. It's absolutely the best price with this promotional offer. How to claim it? Just enter the coupon code on the home page!
  • Friendly support – The friendly means either you're asking for support or sending service complaint, they will respond in good manner and make it as clear as possible.

What's bad with stablehost? Well, the bad is you can't find too much bad reviews to their service, most reviews and feedbacks are about satisfiction. But it doesn't mean everything is perfect with stablehost, they lack of programming support means if you programed the site by yourself and encountered problems with hosting, you have to fix coding issue by yourself. Their 24×7 support only available for basic hosting service questions.

Stablehost vs mddhosting vs hawkhost

What if we compare stablehost to mddhosting or hawkhost? They're all famous litespeed hosting providers with positive user reviews. All of them provide some kinds discount on official site. From the price rate, the stablehost is similar to hawkhost, From the appearance, it's the same to mddhosting.

The difference is all about the targeted clients. While mddhosting offeres their hosting with uplevel price, their targeted users are enterprise website purpose companies. If you need budget hosting purpose only, hawkhost or stablehost would be the right direction. The difference between stablehost and hawkhost is on hosting plans setup. When your website is grow up and need affordable upgrade plan support, it's not available with stablehost but hawkhost has! So if your website is going to get predictable popularity and need further hosting solutions, hawkhost would be the best choice.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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