Tips in Using BurstNET Server Service

tips in using server is probably offering the most competitive low cost server hosting plans. Either for VPS or dedicated servers, client have choice over a wide range plans to fulfill their server requirements. Based their large scale business, their server hosting plans are widely recommended and discussed on webmaster forums like Webhostingtalk. However, like any cheap service, you have to learn a bit in order to play well with it. Based our editorial research and user experience, we have concluded following tips and guidance on how to use server service properly.

Brief introduction of BurstNET

The company burstNET was setup to offer server service in late 1996. As everybody knows, hosting service was quite expensive in early days. Not to mention vps or dedicated server, regular shared hosting service is not affordable to many people. started different than their competitors. Since the very beginning, they have been offering cheap and rich feature server plans (as cheap as $5.95/mo). Based all their advantages, there're over 20,000 virtual private servers with over 2.4 million websites served. Since the end of 2013, has completely revised their official site and server structures, all linux vps are now created on Xen server with solusvm management.

burstnet vps server features

As we see, their people provide great server features with absolute competitive price. For people who would like to get hosting server admin control, it's perfect opportunity. However, from burstNET official reports and various online complaints, lots of servers got shutdown due to problematic running. Here're most popular causes with according solutions for burstNET server service.

Overrated the server capacity

With no doubt, the burstNET vps servers come with great offers on RAM, hard disk and bandwidth. This easily let users to overrate its capacity. There's no problem at all if you just like to host a blog/forum site, but if you would like to configure extra services like VPN then your allocated resources can be used up shortly and most probably other vps instances on same network will be affected. Don't imagine the server is configured with unlimited resources, especially for vps server where all resources are allocated from host server. 1TB can be used up quickly though regular website only takes several GBs per month.

Solution: We must fully understand our needs and choose the proper server plan. If unsure which server is suitable to work with, it's the best to contact burstNET tech support and they can provide professional suggestions.

Server or website hacked

server hacking We just host normal website with almost no change for a long time, but suddenly our server is turned off with no warning. Why is that? From most complaints analysis, it's because their sites got website or server hacking but users are never awared. It might sound rediculous but it's true, many users just do nothing after put website online. Some critial software and server OS hotfixes are not applied in time thus hackers could hack into our servers easily. As the server hacked, hackers can do whatever they want and cause serious issues to the entire network.

Normally, we're fully responsible of the server security since we have full control. Once it's cracked by hacker, most of the time it will be used for illegal purpose. Certainly, it's strictly prohibited by company TOS and they have no choice but to shut down the server. Security is the most important thing for live server, especially when we have a business hosted. So make sure your server security is in hand.

Less Monitoring

server monitoringBy default, the burstNET servers are provided as unmanaged. Means we need to make necessary configuration by ourselves or purchase necessary support service with our needs. This is how they can offer cheap server service all the time. It should be ok when things going properly. However, if problem occurs, we might hard to track it without a good tool. The common problem for most vps users like extremely high bandwidth usage, periodical high cpu/ram usage and fast inodes increasing etc. Most of the time we should have received email notification from support. If no action within some periods and the usage is out of the company tolerance, the server will be permanently determinated.

What should we do? We must ensure our contact details from server account is up to date so we can receive notification in time. Also, if we don't use a control panel solution like cpanel, we must install necessary monitoring tools like Munin to check how things going on server end.

More about BurstNET

Among thousands of server providers, burstNET is one of the few groups who manage their own data centers. Till present, burstNET manages total of 3 world class data centers in Los Angeles, Miami and Scranton to support users from different locations on the planet. In the last year, their people has fully upgraded all server facilities and offer. Previously, burstNET is well known on OpenVZ/veportal platform which is not good from most professional analysis. Now they have completely transferd to Xen/Solusvm platform which is considered the best at the moment. The company provides full range server products including VPS, dedicated and colocation server plans. Except for their cheap server service, they also provide very competitive price for add-on services like static IP, storage and bandwidth etc.

BurstNET is cheap, but we have to use their cheap service properly for problem free. Just follow above to get started.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

One thought on “Tips in Using BurstNET Server Service

  1. Sofyan Sitorus - July 3, 2014 at 11:29 am

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    4x 3.5+ GHz Core
    4096MB DDR3 ECC RAM
    4096MB vSwap
    80GB SSD RAID10 Storage
    1Gbps connection
    4.5TB bandwidth
    TUN/TAP, PPP and FUSE support

    Get it only for 30USD


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