Top India Hosting

Top india hosting

In web hosting industry, India is a huge market. That's why we see many popular hosting companies set branchs and support centers in that area. With it's powerful IT technologies, India also manages the second largest internet highway in the world. If you're going to host your business site on Indian hosting server but not sure which service to go, we'll provide some guidance on how to choose the proper service and rate the top india hosting providers.

India Hosting introduction

Technically speaking, the India hosting has no much difference comparing to any other popular hosting base, because the India has lots of IT professionals who has made outstanding contribution to the industry. The actual limit to india hosting is same as other Asia country — expensive bandwidth. Especially when you doing oversea business and your website is hosted on civil server, the loading speed is relatively slow. However, if you just need local visiting, it's good enough and the price is more acceptable.

Top India Hosting Providers

In India, the Hosting business is mainly operated by 5 names: Net4india, Bigrock, Rediff, Znetlive and Indialinks. They share more than half of the total market. To learn about their service in quick time, here's a table list

Brands Net4india Bigrock Rediffmailpro Znetlive Indialinks
Pricing $1/mo $1.59/mo $52.8/yr $4.95/mo $50/yr
Space/Bandwidth 250mb /Unlimited 10GB /Unlimited Unclear Unlimited /Unlimited 100mb /100GB
Server Location India India India India, US India
Support 24×7 tel support 24×7 chat/tel/mail support Mon – Sat tel support 24 x 7 chat/tel support 24 x 7 mail/tel support
Promo Follow their facebook then discount available 20% off DIY plans none 20% off none

Net4india is the biggest hosting provider in India and being trusted by over 400,000 customers, it's also ICANN & .IN accredited domain registrar. Unlike most other hosting service, Net4 is direct datacenter and network service provider. Net4 offers hosting to small to large businesses including cloud hosting. The spotlight with Net4 is their datacenters are ISO 27001 certified.

Bigrock is part of the group which is founded in 1998. Bigrock is the second largest hosting provider of India.

Rediff is actually a big group with various services. Their most popular service would be email. Web hosting is a small part of their total business. Rediff is a huge and popular name in India, because of this their hosting business got well growth.

Znetlive, it's the only one who offers cloud shared hosting among India hosting list. Their $4.95/mo price(3 yrs deal) is affordable and reasonable to start user and professionals.

Indialinks shares the similar market rates as Znetlive. They manages several other brands related to hosting service such as serverplus, domainsrs and ipcheckers etc.

India hosting vs US hosting

India hosting is a big cake in the business and attracked many popular international investment. The industry leading name hostgator opened India branch, the endurance setup their support in India, the previous popular name webhost4life also setup India office to deal with the local support.

The events simply tell us India hosting is winning popularity and become more international. However, comparing to the leading US hosting, it's still relatively weak. The difference can be checked out instantly by visiting websites hosted on India server and US server. But it doesn't mean there's not any advantage for India service. The affordable man power and relatively low cost equipments will result in huge potential investment, some revolutional improvements is possible for India hosting industry.

Generally, if you're doing international business and need website hosting support, US hosting is still primary choice because of the powerful connectivity. If you just need civil visits for local business, India hosting service is perfect choice.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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