TOP Social Network Platforms

GWI(GlobalWebIndex) recently reported the top social platforms and active users ranking. Facebook is still on TOP, Google+, Youtube, Twitter and Qzone are followed one by one in TOP 5 list. The GWI headquarter is located in England and the active user data are based in Q4 2012.

Overall market sharing stats

Being the NO.1 on earth, Facebook is serving around 700 millions active users. This number is 51% of the global internet population.

The Google+ users already increased to 343 millions which makes it the second largest social platform globally. Meanwhile, the Google+ is shared by 25% internet population which is great improvement from the last year's stagnancy.

Twitter active users is increased 40% and will still be the fast growing up one. The twitter global users already reached 288 millions.

About 21% internet people use YouTube on monthly basis. Almost the same population as Twitter.

Top social network platforms

From the stats we learnt more and more users are leaving the local social platforms to global ones. This spurred the rapid growth of Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. From GWI explanation, the Google+ growth is not based on the declining over Facebook and Twitter but by gaining smaller localized social network users. The same logic applies to the growth of FB, Twitter as well as YouTube.

There's an interesting point in the graphic. As we see in TOP 10 list, there're 4 "China Only" platforms (Tencent Qzone, Tencent, Sina Weibo and Youku). They're 100% pure China based social platforms, such ranking based their large population. However, being the world's most socially active market, it's sad most people in that area can't visit the top 4 platforms.

GWI reports page:

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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