Best Vdeck Hosting

Best vdeck hosting

Vdeck introduction

VDeck is a completely revamped hosting control panel that puts you in control, with a completely redesigned, easy-to-use interface, featuring tabbed, drop-down navigation and one-click support.

vDeck tabbed interface eliminates the clutter by utilizing a well-organized, drop-down navigation and gives you greater flexibility for managing your hosting account and provides you with a wider selection of web hosting applications.

Best Vdeck hosting Provider

Vdeck is developed by EIG company for all in one hosting solution. It's offered solely to eig hosting brands such as Ipage, Fatcow, Ipower, Webhost4life etc. The company also have vdeck reseller plan for people who want to use this software.

The best vdeck hosting awards goes to for best price and service reliability. The ipage platform has been powering over 1000000 worldwide websites for personal to medium size business. While the software is setup for advanced hosting purpose, we can make full use of it by only two bucks per month.

iPage vdeck hosting is offered at $1.99/mo promotional price. This price comes with unlimited disk space /bandwdith plus over $400 search engine credits for website marketing. iPage hosting technical supports are available around the clock via phone, email and live chat, therefore you can get assistance at any time without any delay. The comapny is also certified green hosting provider with renewable wind engery.

ipage vdeck hosting

iPage vdeck hosting main features include:

  • Free domain for life
  • Free site builder and ecommerce builder
  • Any time money back guarantee
  • Over $400 search engine credits

More about Vdeck control panel

Vdeck is developed by the world's third largest hosting provider EIG who managed over 100 hosting brands. The company provides full IT solutions to small to medium size business. Because they manage a huge business service, they decide to use their own management system to have everything under control thus their tech team developped vdeck control panel and use it for most hosting brands. Being an inhouse developed control panel, vdeck is not buyable on the market.

Not every hosting group be able to develop their own control panel software, especially when they're managing such big business on the globe. The vdeck has multiple major updates since from the first release before its current stable version 4.0, further improvements are still under going.

What's good of Vdeck hosting control panel? Unlike all other popular hosting control panel solutions, Vdeck works with both linux and windows server with central management over domain name, databasae and website and all hosting services. Means you don't have to go out the GUI for any configuration and everything can be managed under the same interface.

Vdeck vs cpanel vs plesk

At the first glance, you might just think it's cpanel with another skin. Bingo! that means Vdeck is almost another version of Cpanel.

Since Vdeck has a solid team to develop and it's dedicated to EIG company, everything is well planed and as long as there's a new release, it will be available for all EIG customers, but cpanel has to be managed independently by company and there's always a fee to have things reconfigured.

For end user opinion, If I have a choice to choose from cpanel and Vdeck, I'm really not sure which to go. cPanel probably got more experience by webmasters because we can have full access to both admin and user panels for any configuration. But no much people have managed a Vdeck as it's not licensed for sale. But from the overall comparison, it should be no much difference to cpanel.

Vdeck vs Plesk. both are compatible with Windows and Linux server, the difference is vdeck has many custom add-ons by their development team and little more complex than plesk. Plesk is almost the standard of windows hosting control panel. It's already a matured software that's used for many years. Vdeck is some part new and still being improved. But it doesn't affect it's popularity at all in hosting industry. More and more users have submitted positive reviews to this software.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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