Web Hosting Competition

web hosting competitionWeb hosting has been the largest business on internet. To share the cake, more and more hosting brands are being setup everyday, but only few companies managed to survive among the fierce compeition. Indeed, it's really hard to get customers for new hosting companies since the market is mainly occupied by some large companies who has long history. In this article I'll pick up several hosting companies who has been doing good and review if they're really as good as they advertised.

Who has been doing successful in the competition?

Actually there're several webhosts who have been survival from this competition, here we'll talk about three famous hosting brands and check what they're actually doing to get customers. The three brands are Hostgator, Justhost, Greengeeks.

What hostgator has done to be so successful?

Hostgator – Hostgator may not be so successful if it's managed by another boss from it's start. Generally speaking a hosting founder is always good at side by side tech stuff such as programming, server management, networking etc, but hostgator ceo only wants to sell the extra space on his server in order to pay the hosting fee. This is the origin of hostgator, but shortly their ceo found he has great talent in business marketing and then concentrate on his advantage right away. Hostgator then got into our sight more and more strong.

Does hostgator have other methods to promote their service?

Surely there is. As you know hostgator is currently the largest reseller hosting provider, reseller program is playing a big role in their system. Also, by offerring some attractive gifts to affiliates, hostgator is advertised most everywhere on the internet. Currently, hostgator is the only web hosting provider who allows their affiliates to create independent promo codes from site amdin. The promotion is up to 25% discount!

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What justhost has done to archive the big success?

Jushost – Another good example for successful business. Their business started from none to top 10 within just 2 years, I have to say it's a legend, there's not any other hosting company who managed to do so. The justhost success is mainly rely on their team's outstanding SEO technologies and cheap hosting plan, it's only $2.95/mon from the start, it's really hard for people to refuse such great offer. Of course, their valuable experience on dot5hosting site also helped a lot

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What greengeeks has done to get such great success?

Greengeeks – Featured for the "green"! Before greengeeks, no other web hosting companies have pay so much attention to the environment but just try to get customers. Greengeeks decides to be different and announced 300% green and actually did it. Their hosting policies have the idea to plant a tree for each customer, everyone would be happy if they can donate to the environment without doing anything special. Their success is a MUST in nowadays bad environment.

Beside the green policy, greengeeks ceo is also active in various hosting forums and help people fix any problem related to their hosting service, as far as I know he is the only person who can talk to clients so much outside their own system. That's why greengeeks is respected brand in such short term.

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What a hosting company should do in order to get success?

There're many stuff a company will need to do if they want to archive success, but basically they have done following tasks

1. Website optimizition. This includes both SEO and SEM, in nowadays fierce competition, optimizition is a must to get business

2. Attractive hosting plan. Unless you really have the confident to get lots of business or else you should prepare an affordable and attractive hosting plan in order to get customers from the start. In order to keep your cheap hosting plan reliable, you need to offer reliable hosting services to serve your clients.

3. Outstanding business ideas. Such as greengeeks is featured for "green" and earned their business quickly.

4. Honest and friendly customer support. A good customer support is a must to get and keep clients. The most important thing is you should continue with the good no matter how bad or how good your business is.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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