WebHost4Life In China

webhost4life china

Why Webhost4life Again?

You might be suprised why we talk about webhost4life again since it has been approved bad nowadays. But please be patient, we're going to introduce the OLD webhost4life team in this article and let you know what they're doing now. I'm sure you'll be interested in.

What're the old webhost4life team doing?

Are they migrated to new platform along with their business? No, they got into a new hosting business named webweb which is showing in the left pic. Surprised me, they're serving over 20,000 clients now in China and still growing rapidly among other competitors. After a quick test, they're managing a completely new hosting platform which is a big improvement comparing to their old system.

Why webhost4life team operates Business in China?

Simple, because 90% of their support people are Chinese! If you're old webhost4life customer you might know that they provide Chinese Language support if needed, their ticket & Live chat support are 100% Chinese based. Before their business sold to endurance, they managed 3 support centers on the globe, one in USA, one in Hongkong and one in China Mainland.

Their Live chat support are completely operated by China mainland staff and ticket is managed in Hongkong, the US department is mainly for sales and phone support. China is a hot place for many global companies and most of them are trying to start business there, since the old webhost4life team is Chinese based, China is the best choice for their new business market with the valuable experience in this industry.

Why They don't continue with US Hosting?

You might ask why not the old webhost4life team open a new business directly in US but transfer to China. Well, there does have some kind of restrictions if they want to continue US business. The most important point is they have contract with EIG not to touch the US market within 3 years. It's important for EIG to keep the old webhost4life business. However, webhost4life team keeps all data center service to power their new business. What more is they actually expanded, they have HongKong data center service while we're writing. Because of this, it's pretty clear they'll go back USA after 3 years and develop new business.

Are old webhost4life team ready to go back US?

Definitely yes, their US data centers are still running to offer outstanding services to Chinese clients and they're preparing the English based systems for future business again in USA. They have many years' experience in US market and will help with their success greatly. But you might be curious how does their new system look like. Ok, Here's a screenshot of their new hosting control panel which is programmed in Chinese:

new webhost4life system

Their website address is www.webweb.com and it's completely Chinese based. Unlike their old website, the webweb.com is optimized perfectly by SEO team. From either the website structure or hosting control panel settings, you would feel it's more professional than old ones.

Why this article?

Like many other people, I liked the old webhost4life team and will do business with them again if it's possible. they're honest and friendly to customer. They always patient to listen to your complaints and fix problem directly on live support. It's quite rare in the industry. We have very close relationship with them before and worked with them for a long time, that's why we know so many about this company side by side. you can contact me directly if you would like to know more about the old webhost4life team.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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