Best Webmatrix Hosting unveiled

webmatrix hosting

Webmatrix has been there quite a long time for web developing solutions. For modern time's website deployment, webmatrix has brought us revolutional progress for both experienced web developers and start users. If you're new to this product, I would be more than happy to introduce it with my personal experience. If you're looking for webmatrix hosting support, I would like to tell more about the quality service providers.

Webmatrix Introduction and Advantages

WebMatrix is a free web development tool from Microsoft that includes everything you need for website development. Start from open source web applications, built-in web templates or just start writing code yourself. It’s all-inclusive, simple and best of all free. This is what's explained for Webmatrix on Microsoft official website. The purpose of this tool is to make web development simple and quick because it has included most of the existing open source web applications and a built in web server for production envionment testing. No matter if you want to create a website from scratch or edit your existing website, webmatrix will manage all stuff perfectly and publish to your hosting space in no-hassle way.

Webmatrix Features list

  • Small size and easy to setup
  • Easy to deploy new site or edit your existing websites
  • IIS 7.5 Express built in web server (Be able to Monitor incoming HTTP requests)
  • SEO report and clear guidance for website optimization
  •, PHP, Mysql, SQL Server support
  • and more!

Webmatrix official page:

Best Webmatrix Hosting Choice

As we see from above writing, webmatrix is only a web development solution on local computer. What we need is to publish the final projects to hosting space. Depends if you need or PHP support, you either need a quality hosting or php mysql hosting to get your website hosted. There're several good choice with such support, simple check out the hosting page and php mysql hosting page. If you have additional questions, feel free to post your comments or contact us directly for further communication.

Based our 6+ years experience in web hosting industry, arvixe is our top recommendation for quality and fast webmatrix hosting choice. Arvixe is 100% compatible with and php scripting with lots of leading hosting features like free domain name, unlimited space and remote IIS access etc.

Visit arvixe for leading webmatrix hosting plan

Webmatrix vs Visual Studio, which is better choice?

While webmatrix is very hot to developers, the traditional and powerful name "Visual Studio" is also can't be ignored and its actually trusted by more MS developers. So how is visual studio comparing to webmatrix? Which one should I use when I want to create a new website? Here is a basic comarison betweent the two softwares.

Visual Studio. Traditional and powerful software for website and applications development. It's powerful IDE designed with drag and drop functions to reduce your code writing. With side by side support and coding languages, you can accomplete any kind secure projects.

Webmatrix. The big lightspot with webmatrix would be their free and open source impletment. While the microsoft has been always focused on their own technologies and products development, the release of webmatrix absolutely brings another bright future to the company because they start to introduce open source ideas.

Comparing to Visual studio that is designed for only, you get more options from webmatrix because you can take advantages of php/mysql. However that doesn't mean the webmatrix is perfect because it has only code view but no design view interface. That means if you're completely new to coding you will find it hard to be familiar with this product too.

So basically, webmatrix is a light weight solution for web developing. Especially ideal choice for start users who would like to put up a website quickly because you can take advantages of many open source applications. For professional development, Visual Studio is absolutely the best choice.

webmatrix hosting

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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