Best WHMCS Web Hosting

best whmcs web hosting

WHMCS Introduction & Hosting

WHMCS is an all-in-one client management, billing & support solution for online businesses. WHMCS handles everything from signup to termination, with automated billing, provisioning & management. With WHMCS, you're in control with a very powerful business automation tool. Till today, it's primary choice for most web hosting providers and many brands even highlight themselves for this feature.

Best WHMCS Hosting Provider

As WHMCS is being used by many web hosting companies on the market and almost a main stream software for hosting business. It's hard to determine which is the best. Some great hosting such as hostgator, bluehost are most popular service providers because they're the industry leaders for the large scale business. It's always safe to choose from such leading brands. Here I would highly recommend hostgator which has been leading choice by thousands of professionals in the business.

Why Hostgator is the Best WHMCS Hosting provider?

Simply because of their honesty and outstanding customer support. They never blow off their services but always stand on client's end and think what clients really need. By offerring the industry standard service with the least compalints, hostgator is definitely your best choice.

Of course, price also plays a big part when you choosing the correct hosting provider, hostgator already set the price as low as $3.96/mon which is affordable to most people.

Hostgator offers WHMCS for shared, VPS, Reseller and dedicated server plans as standard feature. Means you don't need to pay extra no matter if you're going to use hostgator reseller or any other hosting service.

Read hostgator review

Visit for whmcs hosting details now!

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How does WHMCS help web hosting company?

The Best of the best feature of WHMCS is it includes everything you needed to prepare your web hosting business such as hosting plan setup. billing management, server management and more! Here I'll introduce one by one.

  • Hosting plan setup – With traditional thoughts, you have to consider what would be included in your hosting offer and how will you configure it. With WHMCS everything get resolved, the WHMCS system already has all side by side features prepared in the system and you only need to pickup your desired features by several clicks away. You can determine what's the total disk the client be able to use, the number of domains to be hosted and every technical limitations for a hosting plan!
  • Billing Management – Billing is the most important part for your hosting business since you will collect money directly from your clients. If you like to programming it by yourself you have to spend a lot of time and debug everything which might be beyond your imagination. However all the tasks can be done easily through WHMCS and it's absolutely secured. When the billing is due, it will auto notify your client to renew the service so as keep your business relationship with your clients.
  • Client Management – You determine how many clients to be stored on the server and suspend or activate customer account any time. Once the client account is suspended/activated, all related services associated to this accounnt will be affected accordingly. It's extremely useful to troubleshot a problematic account in order to keep your system healthy.
  • Support Integration – WHMCS has a powerful pre-designed customer support system including knowledge base, ticket system. You can also integrate other support systems to WHMCS. Basically you don't have to prepare a support system seperately to serve your clients, WHMCS is simply a all-in-on support system as default.
  • Control panel integration – WHMCS is integrated to many popular hosting control panels such as cpanel. Directadmin, Dotnetpanel. Once the hosting account is activated, WHMCS will auto configure all technical stuff on the hosting server.

More about WHMCS Hosting

For it's popularity, WHMCS is being used by many hosting companies in the industry. Generally speaking it's a MUST for cpanel hosting provider. The TOP famous hosting companies such as hostgator, greengeeks, bluehost are all WHMCS based business. After so many years experience in hosting industry, WHMCS has been approved the best in this field.

However, please keep in mind whmcs is just billing and client management software for web hosting automation. It's not the key feature when you look for the best hosting provider. Because of the easy integration for whmcs, many indecent service are using it and highlight themselves because of this. If you're looking for a perfect hosting service, always follow the golden tips.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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