Why You Need Business Email Solution?

business email solution

Our modern business highly relies on email communication. While there're tons of free email service like yahoo, gmail and hotmail, there're also plenty of paid solutions and actually charge on high prices. So what's the difference between a free and paid email service? Following comparison gives us side by side understanding and show us how important it is to register a reliable email service.

Advantages of free email service

Free – Definitely the biggest spotlight. Everybody be able to register with a free email service with no restriction. For most free email like hotmail, yahoo etc, we can probably use it life time free. And the truth is most users are free service based.

Lots of storage – For today's tech development, storage space no longer a problem for most online service. Especially when everything go into cloud, we can easily get multi GBs free space. For people who like to store lots of files online with basic protection, free email service like gmail is good enough.

Social network integration – Those leading free email services are all linked to various social network services such as facebook, linkedin etc. Many websites can be authenticated directly via our social or email accounts. Especially the google email, a single email address has full access to various google services like analysis, google drive and more!

Weakness of free email

Privacy – Probably the most concern for business email communication. While we only have web access to email service, the server hardware and network are fully managed by service provider. Thus they have full access to all our data. Just two days before, google updated their terms of use(http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/terms/archive/20131111-20140414/) and claim to have access to incoming/outgoing messages to send accurate ads. It's definitely not good at all if there's sensitive information in our messages.

Not only for google, actually all free email providers are doing the same, there's just no announcement. Just think about the logic.

email securitySecurity – Since we don't have access to any equipment, we can't get a single piece of security configuration to trust with. Just think about the amount of users and what the result would be in case the server compromised. For example, the yahoo mail system got multiple hacking before and millions of email id/password were published online.

Advertisement – All free email services are advertisement based. Just login to your free email account and see how many ads there are. Some ads is placed exact the same place from top of incoming messages so you can't avoid to click. Obviously not good at all for prefessional business communication.

Advantages of Business email service

While there're so many weakness with free email, business mail service perfectly solves all problems. Normally, we have several options to configure the service, either signing up available email plans or install email server by ourselves. This is a completely clean system with professional management over multiple tasks including email, calendar and email filters etc.. We can configure the way how we want to send/receive emails. Also, it comes with a function that doesn't exist with free service – mailing list. We can easily send list email with no restriction. It's extremely helpful if we want to send announcement to subscribers.

Any disadvantage? The only disadvantage might be the price. Being enterprise choice, business mail service can be very expensive according to our exact requirement. Especially when we want to configure our own email platform, the cost is high.

As we see, the paid business email has unbeatable advantages for professional communication. Especially when you need to manage multiple online tasks together, a good email platform is the best choice.

TOP business Email solutions

The most popular business mail provider would be Microsoft Exchange who has been offering reliable and powerful services since early ages. Exchange server has been primary choice by most world TOP 500 companies. After more than 10 years development, exchange server got huge improvement and now is fully integrated into cloud. See more details on microsoft official page.

exchange server

Besides Exchange, there're also lots of reputable email solutions like smartermail, openexchange etc. Many business email plans are configured on such platform to meet our different requirements.

About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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