WP-optimize for WordPress Optimization
Is your wordpress more and more slow after some time's running? Do you feel it's a risk to touch the mysql database for any optimzation? Ok, in case you're experiencing such problems with wordpress, we will introduce a optimization plugin to complete the task in quick time – WP-Optimize
What does this plugin do exactly?
Here's the list of the main features, just take a quick look
- Remove the WordPress post revisions
- Remove the WordPress auto draft posts
- Remove all the comments in the spam queue
- Remove all the un-approved comments
- Apply mysql optimize commands on your database tables without phpMyAdmin.
- Display Database table statistics. Shows how much space can be optimzied and how much space has been cleared.
- Visible only to the administrators.
The key features of this plugin would be the deletion of revision posts and mysql table optimization. Every time when we revise an article wordpress will auto create a revision of that post and insert into wordpress post table, means if we revise the article 10 times, the actual article size will be 10 times bigger than the original one. That means lots of disk space wasted and reduce the efficiency for daily backup.
When we install/uninstall plugins, some info will still remain in mysql but we're not sure what it is. If we're dealing with different plugins frequently, there'll be lots of junk info in mysql tables and greatly reduce the mysql speed. The wp-optimize provides us an option to auto clean and optimize those tables via a single click!
In case you would like to learn more about wordpress mysql operation, you can visit our previous post "useful wordpress mysql queries" for details
WP-Optimize main screen
Database table report
plugin download page: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-optimize