Zyma Hosting Review, Low Cost but Good

zyma hosting review

Looking for the lowest price web hosting plan in UK? Or are you looking for the lowest price web hosting plan in the world? Right, you get the right place, in this article I would like to introduce a quality web hosting with the lowest price in the world – Zyma!

Who is Zyma?

Zyma is an UK based web hosting company which is set up in 2010. By offerring the lowest price web hosting plan, their number of clients is growing every day. Currently they're serving thousands of customers over 25 countries in the world.

Zyma Web Hosting Features

The Zyma learned from the industry leaders and only offers one linux based hosting plan with various hosting features. For quick view, here's a list of their hosting general offers

  • Unlimited space /bandwidth
  • Unlimited websites /emails accounts
  • Unlimited database, Free website transfer
  • cpanel control panel with SSH Access

As you see, every hosting features are so attractive to people to go with. The most important is you get all of above with only £4.95/yr! I believe there's no other hosting providers could offer such great features with such low price in the industry.

Update: Zyma has increased their price to £1.79/mo as estimated. The promotional price above no longer exists with their service.

zyma web hosting

Is Zyma good web hosting provider?

Zyma is quite new but growing fastly among the competition. Since they offer unbelievable cheap hosting plan, a question is prompt up: Is zyma a quality web hosting? Well, I have no experience with their hosting service but only few email communication with their Director, if you search on the web with keywords "zyma good" or "zyma sucks" you don't get too many results. From my communication with their director, they seem to be responsive to customer concerns. But there's one thing for sure, they're trying to provide quality hosting service to people and gain popularity in the competition.

Their price simply approves they're trying to attract customer eye-balls, I believe their price will rise up as long as they got strong enough to compete with the industry leaders. So basically zyma is a reliable and quality hosting at the moment. We're not sure how it will be in the next few years but at leat they could be counted as quality service provider at the time being.

What's the weakness of Zyma?

Newness is absolutely the biggest disadvantage with zyma, although they don't get negative comments yet on the internet but also only few positive feedbacks available. They definitely need more business marketing in order to get more customers and profitable in the business.

Also, if you're ready to use zyma for your website hosting, please remember to backup your site often because they don't offer free backup in their system. If you need such service, you need to pay £19.95/yr which is unreasonable for nowaday's hosting service.

Who should use Zyma?

For safety purpose, zyma is only recommended for personal websites such as blog or project testing. Because of their newness, we can't guarantee anything more since there's no much feedbacks about this service yet. if you're going to learn about webhosting or write personal blog, zyma is a good choice.

Cheap is the biggest lightspot, if you have not enough budget but want to put website online urgently, zyma is the perfect solution. With almost zero price hosting plan, you get every features in cpanel, zyma is absolutely worthy of a try.

Visit http://www.zyma.com for cheap hosting details!

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About the Author
Kenny is owner of webhostpark and has been working in hosting industry since 2006. We provide unbiased hosting reviews and release the latest promo news. Follow me on Google plus

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